Eastern Mojave Vegetation Elden Lookout Road, Coconino National Forest, Arizona  

Tom Schweich  

Home Page  It's not clear to me whether any parts of this road carry a Forest Service designation.



Locations: Elden Mountain.  

Elden Mountain Lookout


Locations: Oldham Park.  

Oldham Park. Collecting locality for Frasera speciosa.

Locations: Little Elden Mountain.  

Little Elden Mountain just to the northwest. Road changes direction. In the uphill direction, the road turns from southeast to southwest, as it pulls out of the canyon and traverses the hill side below Sunset Park. This is the approximate location of a collection of Frasera speciosa.

Other articles:
• Shultz Pass Road (FR 420):   at Elden Lookout Road;  

Junction: Schulz Pass Road
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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 4:49:45 PM