Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Caruthers Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve |
Tom Schweich |
(Null Preface) | |
Literature Cited:
There is some thought that "Caruthers" should be spelled with two r's as "Carruthers." This is apparently noted in books by Ausmus and Casebier. Also, Figure 17 on page 21 of Reynolds and Reynolds (1995) implies that Carruthers may be an alternate spelling of Caruthers. However, Caruthers seems to be the adopted spelling for use on maps, etc. |
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Giant Ledge Mine.
Literature Cited:
Caruthers Canyon.
I believe this quartz dike is the "Giant Ledge" after which the Giant Ledge Mine was named. The mine itself is on the other side of the ridge in the middle ground. |
Caruthers Canyon.
My dad in Caruthers Canyon, below the Giant Ledge Mine, after a November rainstorm. |
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Unusual deep weathering pattern in granite, Caruthers Canyon. |
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Fractured quartz dike. |
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High on the walls of Caruthers Canyon, above the granite intruding the limestone, is the mat-forming Rock Spiraea (Petrophyton caespitosum) growing in the broken limestone on a west-facing slope. This photograph was taken in March, 1988, so the flower spike is the remains from the previous growing season. |
Unusual rock formation in Caruthers Canyon. |
This unusual rock formation is found at the end of the road in Caruthers Canyon. There are several informal camp sites here. This rock is often photographed because of its intriguing shape. It forms part of my evidence showing that Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg incorrectly identified Caruthers Canyon as Fourth of July Canyon while collecting plants here in 1940. |
Caruthers Canyon in June, 2000. |
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Road drops off a bank, continues north. |
OX Ranch well and tank. | |
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Joshua trees in the lower canyon. |
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West side of the canyon, a little limestone hill. |
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Junction: New York Mountain Road |
I have never traveled on Caruthers Canyon Road between New York Mountain Road and Cedar Canyon Road. Years ago, the road was supposed to be difficult but passable. Be careful! | |
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Junction: Cedar Canyon Road |
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Date and time this article was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:21:06 PM |