Eastern Mojave Vegetation | California Highway 180 |
Tom Schweich |
Probably best known as the Kings Canyon Highway, California Highway 180, starts in Mendota and runs east through Fresno to Kings Canyon National Park. | |
Mendota |
Locations: Kerman. |
KermanJunction: California Highway 145, Kerman to the south. |
Locations: Floyd. |
At South Floyd Avenue. This is probably the location of Floyd. |
Other articles:
Junction: California Highway 99 South |
Locations: Fresno. |
FresnoJunction: California Hwy 99 |
Other articles:
Junction: California Highway 99 North |
Junction: California Highway 41 | |
Other articles:
Junction: California Highway 168 |
Kings Canyon National Park, Entrance Station | |
Other articles:
The Wye |
General Grant Grove | |
Literature Cited:
Locations: Boyden Cavern. Kings River, South Fork. |
Boyden Cavern Boyden Cavern is one of three caves on the South Fork of the Kings River from which sediments were dated by Stock, Anderson, and Finkel (2004) to estimate the rate of incision of the canyon. They found incision rates between 0.21 and 0.27 mm/year for the past 2.7 million years. |
Cedar Grove |
End of Road | |
If you have a question or a comment you may write to me at: tomas@schweich.com I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I never disclose your full name or address. |
Date and time this article was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:21:31 PM |