Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Furnace Creek Road, Mono County California |
Tom Schweich |
(No Preface) | |
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Locations: Furnace Creek. |
Junction: Nevada State Route 264 |
Nevada above … California below … | |
Cross scarp | |
Fish Lake Valley.
Furnace Creek.
Silver Peak Range.
We stopped the vans to walk from the point that the road crosses the wash. The road itself continues only another mile further to a locked gate. |
Fish Lake Valley.
View north through Fish Lake Valley from the mouth of Furnace Creek Canyon. |
Road crosses wash | |
Furnace Creek.
Fluff Grass (Erioneuron pulchellum (Kunth) Tateoka) on a small terrace in Furnace Creek wash. |
Furnace Creek.
In the wash was some old waterpipe that had been washed down from above. |
Partially-developed desert pavement on terrace above Furnace Creek |
The road is on the first terrace above the wash. The second terrace above the wash had a partially developed desert pavement. |
Sclerocactus polyancistrus near Furnace Creek, White Mountains, California |
Red-spined Fishhook Cactus (Sclerocactus polyancistrus) on terrace above Furnace Creek. |
Furnace Creek.
The Red-spined Fishhook Cactus (Sclerocactus polyancistrus) was found on the second terrace above the wash of Furnace Creek. |
Spring, Canyon splits. | |
Canyon splits again. | |
End of road, map shows springs here. | |
Tres Plumas Flat.
Tres Plumas Flat at the east end of Furnace Creek canyon. |
If you have a question or a comment you may write to me at: tomas@schweich.com I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I never disclose your full name or address. |
Date and time this article was prepared: 8/31/2024 9:33:25 AM |