![]() | Tioga Lake, Mono County, California. |
Gazetteer Query: G.N.I.S. See also: Upper Mono Basin.
Artificial lake high in Tioga Pass. Variant Name: Lake Jessie.
Articles that refer to this location:
Area Plant Lists that contain this location: Species collected at or near this location. This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.
Adoxaceae Sambucus racemosa L. Red Elderberry (Oth) Asteraceae Oreostemma alpigenum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene. Tundra Aster (Oth) Astereae Solidagininae Solidago canadensis L. Canada Goldenrod (Oth) Gnaphalieae Antennaria media Greene. Rocky Mountain Pussytoes (Oth) Brassicaceae Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene perenne (Coville) R. J. Davis. Sanddune Wallflower (Oth) Ericaceae Phyllodoce breweri (A. Gray) Maxim. Purple Mountain Heath (Oth) Vaccinium cespitosum Michx. Dwarf Blueberry (Oth) Fabaceae Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. lobbii (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc. Lobb's Tidy Lupine (Oth) Orobanchaceae Pedicularis groenlandica Retz. Elephanthead Lousewort (Oth) Plantaginaceae Penstemon procerus Graham. Little-Flower Penstemon (Oth) Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson oreocharis (Greene) N. H. Holmgren. Rydberg's Penstemon (Oth) Polemoniaceae Phlox caespitosa Nutt. Tufted Phlox (Oth) Polygonaceae Rumex salicifolius Weinm. Willow Dock (Oth) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus alismifolius Benth. alismellus A. Gray. Plaintainleaf Buttercup (Oth) Rosaceae Potentilla flabellifolia Hook. High Mountain Cinquefoil (Oth) Scrophulariaceae Limosella acaulis Sessé & Mociño. Water Mudwort (Oth) Cyperaceae Carex praeceptorum Mack. (Oth) Poaceae Aveneae Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. Bluejoint (Oth) Calamagrostis muiriana B. L. Wilson & Sami Gray. (Oth) Poeae Poa cusickii Vasey epilis (Scribn.) W. A. Weber. Cusick's Bluegrass (Oth) Typhaceae Sparganium angustifolium Michx. Narrowleaf Bur-Weed (Oth)
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M, Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:41 AM, 2/4/2025. |