Elevation: 8799ft, 2682m.
Articles that refer to this location:
Literature Referring To This Location:
Axelrod, Daniel I. 1987.
The late Oligocene Creede flora.
University of California Publications in Geological Sciences.
130: 1-235.
Barton, P. B., Rye, R. O., & Bethke, P. M. 2000.
Evolution of the Creede Caldera and its relation to mineralization in the Creede mining district, Colorado.
Special Paper 346.
Ancient Lake Creede: Its Volcano-Tectonic Setting, History of Sedimentation, and Relation to Mineralization in the Creede Mining District.
Bethke, P, M., and R. L. Hay. 2000.
Overview: Ancient Lake Creede.
Special Paper 346.
Ancient Lake Creede: Its Volcano-Tectonic Setting, History of Sedimentation, and Relation to Mineralization in the Creede Mining District.
Larsen, Esper S. 1929.
Recent Mining Developments in the Creede District, Colorado.
Contributions to Economic Geology.
Bulletin 811B, Part I., contains a good historic map of the Creede Mining Region
Lipman, Peter W. 2006.
Geologic Map of the Central San Juan Caldera Cluster, Southwestern Colorado.
Geologic Investigations Series I-2799.
Lipman, Peter W. 2024.
Subsidence-induced early doming at a large ignimbrite caldera.
Steven, Thomas A., and Peter W. Lipman. 1976.
Calderas of the San Juan Volcanic Field.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 958., date retrieved: 24 September 2017
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:5:07:02 PM, 2/22/2025.