Eastern Mojave Vegetation Ackmen, Montezuma County, Colorado.

Query: G.N.I.S.

See also: Pleasant View.

See also related locations of Pleasant View and Hadley.

Ackmen was the first settlement (1913) which was located near the junction of Sandstone Canyon and Dove Creek, south of the present day Pleasant View (Garchar, 2009). Recent correspondence (Wilson, 2014) states that Ackmen was at the location where present day County Road 15.5 curves to descend into Sandstone Canyon.

Hadley was a family that had a store in 1916 and also ran the post office (1917-1941) which was named Ackmen (Garchar, 2009). The store was also run by Horace and Calvin Denton (Wilson, 2014).

When Highway 666 (now US Highway 491) went through the area in the late 1930's, it was located to the east of Ackmen, therefore the people moved the town to present Pleasant View area and changed the name to Pleasant View.

Some references state that Ackmen is 3 miles southwest of Pleasant View. While Ackmen is farther west of US Highway 491 than is Pleasant View, the highway runs northwest to southeast, and Ackmen is directly south of Pleasant View. Other references state that Ackmen, Hadley, and Pleasant View are in the same location, giving the PLSS description of Section 31, T39N, R17W. However, I believe the correct PLSS description is Section 7, T38N, R17W.

The primary reason I care about the location of Ackmen is a collection of Frasera albomarginata by Marion Ownbey, with the location described as 8 miles west of Ackmen.

Elevation: 6913ft, 2107m.

Articles that refer to this location:

Letters that refer to this location:
  • Audrey Garchar to Tom Schweich: 4/14/2009
  • Diana N. Wilson to Tom Schweich: 8/4/2014

Literature Referring To This Location:

No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:2:35:54 PM, 1/5/2025.