Eastern Mojave Vegetation Goodsprings, Clark County, Nevada.

Query: G.N.I.S.

See also: Bird Spring Range. Jean.

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Former mining town in southern Nevada. Namesake of the Goodsprings dolomite (Hewett, 1931).

The Goodsprings Historical Society is at: http://www.goodsprings.org/

Articles that refer to this location:


Literature Referring To This Location:

  • Cooper, John D. 1987. Lower Paleozoic craton-margin section, northern Potosi Valley, southern Spring Moutains, Clark County, Nevada. pp. pp. 61-66 in Hill, Mason. Centennial field guide.
  • Hewett, D. F. 1931. Geology and ore deposits of the Goodsprings quadrangle, Nevada. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 162..
  • Thompson, David G. 1921. Routes to Desert Watering Places in the Mohave Desert Region, California. Water-Supply Paper 490-B.. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survey, 1921. {TAS}
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:5:07:09 PM, 2/22/2025.