Eastern Mojave Vegetation Wassuk Range, Mineral County, Nevada.

Query: G.N.I.S.

Mountain range on the west side of Walker Lake.

Elevation: 7352ft, 2241m.

Literature Referring To This Location:

  • Dohrenwend, J. C. 1982. Map Showing Late Cenozoic Faults in the Walker Lake 1° By 2° Quadrangle, Nevada - California. Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1382-D. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survey, 1982. {TAS-map}
  • Stewart, J. H., John E. Carlson, and Dann C. Johannesen. 1982. Geologic Map of the Walker Lake 1° By 2° Quadrangle, California and Nevada. Miscellaneous Field Investigations Map MF-1382-A. Washington, DC: United States Geological Survey, 1982. {TAS-map}
  • Wesnousky, Steven G. 2005. The San Andreas and Walker Lane fault systems, western North America: transpression, transtension, cumulative slip and the structural evolution of a major transform plate boundary. Journal of Structural Geology. 27: 1505-1512. {TAS-pdf}
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:5:07:47 PM, 2/22/2025.