Eastern Mojave Vegetation Petition for Citizenship  


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  Anna Pawluk
Scanned 7 December 2018.

United States of America
Petition for Citizenship
No. 31385
To the Honorable the District Court of the United States of Los Angeles, Calif.
The petition of (MRS.) ANNA PAWLUK hereby filed, respectfully [unreadable]
(1) My place of residence is 1081 No. Hazard Sr., Los Angeles, Cal.
(2) I was born in Chelejou, Poland on Nov. 15, 1894 My race is Ruthenian
(3) I declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on Omitted. Filing under the Act of
Sept. 22, 1922. Husband naturalized 1-4-26 at Fort Worth, Texas.
(4) I am Married The name of my wife or husband is Peter Pawluk
We were married on May 21, 1916 in Buffalo, N. Y. he was
born at Zaelaw, Russia on May 16, 1891 entered the United States
at Buffalo, N. Y., with me on August 16, 1913 I have 4 children [unreadable]

Olga, Apr. 1, 1917, Buffalo, N.Y.
Alex, Aug. 26, 1920, Buffalo, N.Y.
Lydia, Aug. 26, 1920, Ft. Worth, Texas.
John, Dec. 4, 1921, Ft. Worth, Texas.
All res. at Los Angeles, Cal.

[unreadable] Chelerou, Austria [unreadable]
[unreadable] Liverpool, Engl. [unreadable]
[unreadable] New York, N.Y. [unreadable] Anna Kololewicz
[unreadable] August 10, 1913 [unreadable] Caronia
[A lot of unreadable text]
[More unreadable text]
[unreadable] August 10, 1913 and in the county of Los Angeles
[unreadable] no [Lots more unreadable text]
/s/ Anna Pawluk
Affidavits of Witnesses
Mrs. Florence C. Worthen occupation Housewife
residing at 177 So. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. and
Miss Florence A. Pierce occupation Missionary
residing at 136 No. Gage St., Los Angeles, Cal. [unreadable] the United States of America, that he has personally known, and has been
acquainted in the United States with ANNA PAWLUK , the petitioner above mentioned, since Aug. 10, 1929
[unreadable] and at Los Angeles in the county of Los Angeles [unreadable] August 10, 1929
/s/ Florence C. Worthen /s/ Florence A. Pierce
[unreadable] court at Los Angeles, Cal. the 11th day of August , Anno Domini 19 30 . I further certify that certificate of arrival No. 23/8043 from the Department of Labor, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner named, [unreadable] [x'ed out] of such petitioner, has been my me filed with, attached to, and made a part of this petition on this date.
[unreadable signature and title stamp]

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