Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 881, Brassica nigra |
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Photographed 11 July 2013. Collection No. 881, 10 August 2012, characters observed while : Annual; Hairs simple; Glands 0; Leaves basal and cauline, both surfaces equally short straight hairy; Cauline leaves deeply lobed, sometimes appearing dentate, sessile but not basally lobed, sagittate, or clasping; Inflorescence not bracted, Pedicel in fruit 4 mm.; Sepals erect (not spreading or reflexed), Flowers radial; Petals 4, yellow, not dark-veined; Stamens 6, 4 long, 2 short; Style 4-5 mm.; Stigma entire; Fruit linear when young, segments 2, erect, ±appressed.
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Other photos about Species - Brassicaceae or Brassicaceae Brassica nigra.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:44 PM |