Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1063, Ericameria nauseosa ssp. graveolens |
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Photographed 17 September 2014. This collection was made on Illinois Street, between 4th and 5th Streets. Collection No. 1063, 17 September 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, woody at base, to 1 m., sprawling to erect; Stem covered with felt-like tomentum (long hairs infiltrated with resin, must scrape with knife to expose); Leaves, alternate, lance-linear, 70 mm. × 3 mm., not twisted in the manner of some related species, upper surface tomentose, margin entire; Heads discoid (with only disk flowers), cymose at ends of branches, narrowly tubular; Involucre 8 mm., not spiny; Phyllaries in 3 vertical ranks, outer << inner, keeled, some with few short hairs; Receptacles not chaffy, but have some short (<0.5 mm.) appendages between flowers; Flowers #5; Corolla tube (i.e., petals united at base) 7.5 mm. + lobes #5, 1 mm., glabrous throughout; Ovary inferior; Pappus of bristles, 6-7 mm., white; Stamens 5; Anthers connate (united), 2 mm., acute at base; Style 11 mm., branches half-round in cross-section, stigmatic 1 mm. + appendage 2 mm., glabrous inside, uniformly short hairy on outside, tips rounded; cypselae, all similar in shape, 5 mm., short hairy; Not known from California. In Ackerfield (2012), Asteraceae, Key 2, 15a-b, a question of how tomentose the stems and leaves are made keying tricky.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:32 PM |