Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 3041, Calamagrostis purpurascens.  


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  Poaceae Calamagrostis purpurascens
Photographed 21 December 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br.  Purple Reedgrass.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Beside well-established game trail in open shade on a forested hillside above Guy Gulch, 290 m. southwest of County Road 70, 1.15 km. (geodesic) northwest of Centennial Ranch house, 13.4 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7991°N, 105.3656°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2500 m. Gentle north-facing slope in Douglas fir forest with little to no middlestory.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3041. 3-Jul-2023

Coll. No. 3041, 3 July 2023, characters observed: Perennial grass, to 40 cm., no rhizomes seen; Leaves, sheath, 12 cm., open, ligule, membranous, 4 mm., auricles, 0, blade, 15 cm. × 3 mm. wide, flat, scabrous, also adaxially densely and minutely hairy between the ribs; Inflorescence, <leaves, 1 per culm, panicle, 110 mm. × 12 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended; Spikelets, many, 8 mm. × 1 mm. wide, similar; Glumes, lower, 6 mm., veins, 1, upper, 5 mm., > lowest floret, veins, 1 (3?), keeled, awns, 0; Florets, 1* per spikelet; *Rachilla, extended beyond upper floret as though there could be another floret up there, hairy; Callus, short straight white hairs; Lemma, 4 mm., < glumes, green, veins, 5, glabrous, tip, toothed, awns, 1, 7 mm., bent, attached, near base of lemma; Palea, 4 mm., < lemma, membranous; Achene, 1.7 mm., green.

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