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| Literal English Translation (performed by a free web site).
| English
Sweertia L. incl. Frasera Walt.
| Frasera L. including Frasera Walt.
Ich ziehe die Gattung Frasera ein,
weil der einzige UntersehiedU…, der nach BHgp.BHgp. and Asa Gray noch existieren
soll, der eines ausgeprägten Griffelsg nicht stichhaltig ist.
I include the species Frasera because the single difference of the style, as described by Bentham and Hooker and Asa Gray, is not valid.
Gray giebt in der
Bot. Calif. selbst an: The style of the latter (Frasera thyrsiflora)
is as short as in Sweertia.
Gray says even in Bot. Calif. that: The style of the latter (Frasera thyrsiflora) is as short as in Swertia.
Auth Frasera Parryi Torrey = Sweertia Parryi OKok. hat
einen so kurzen Griffel, wie er bei manchen Swertia-Arten sich findet.
Auth Frasera Parryi Torrey = Sweertia Parryi OK. has a so short Griffel how he is found in many Swertia>.
Aber anal die massig langgriffeligen Arten: Sweertia fastigiata PurschP = Frasera thyrsiflora Hk., Sw. carolinensis OK. (Walt.), Sw. albicaulis Dgl. = Frasera albicaulis Gris, Sw. radiatum OK. (Frasera speciosa Dgl., non Sw. speciosa Wall., = Tesseranthium radiatum Kellogg) haben keinen anders construirten Griffel als die kurzgriffeligen Sweertia-Arten; es ist ein Stylus simulate simplex, wie ich es oben bei Gentian thermalis nannte, der allenfalls nur vor der Befruchtung als ein Ganzes erscheint, der sich aber leielit der Länge nach in seine zwei Hälften trennen lässt und nach tier Befruchtung sich von selbst in zwei Griffel theilt, die auf den Kapselhälften ± persistiren.
But anally that bulky langgriffeligenlg types: Sweertia fastigiata Pursh = Frasera thyrsiflora Hk., Sw carolinensis OK. (Walt.), Sw albicaulis the like. = Frasera albicaulis Gris, Sw radiatum OK. (Frasera speciosa Dgl., non Sw. speciosa Wall., = Tesseranthium radiatum Kellogg) have is itself no differently construirten Griffel as the kurzgriffeligen Sweertia types; it a Stylus simulate simplex how I named it above in Gentian thermalis, that appears in any case only before the fertilization as an entire, that however leielit can be separated according to the length into its two halves, and after animal fertilization of even in two Griffel theilt, that on the capsule halves ± Persistiren.
Sw. bimaculata HK.f. & Th. (S. & Z.) Sikkim.
Sw. carolinensis OK. (Frasera car. Walt.) U. St.
Sw. Chirayta Ham. (Roxb.) Sikkim.
Sw. javanica Bl. Java: Dieng 2500 m
Sw. nervosa Wall. Sikkim.
Sw. pulchella Ham. Bengalen.
Die zu Sweertia zu stellenden übrigen Frasera-Arten sind: Sweertia Bigelowii OK. (Frasera paniculata Torr. non Sweertia pan. Wall.) und Sw. albomarginata OK. (Frasera a. S. Watson).
That to Sweertia to placing remaining Frasera-Resemble are: Sweertia Bigelowii OK. (Frasera paniculata Torr. non Sweertia pan. Wall.). and Sw albomarginata OK. (Frasera a. S. Watson).
The remaining Frasera-like taxa are placed in Swertia, as follows:
Swertia bigelowii Kuntze (Frasera paniculata Torr. non Swertia pan. Wall.w) and Swertia albomarginata Kuntze (Frasera a. S. Watson).
U…"Unterseheid" is distinction or difference.
BHgp. Bentham, George, and Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1876. Genera Plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Kewensibus. Standard form per International Plant Names Index: "Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.]"
g Griffels = style ? In current usage "Griffels" translates as "stylus pen."
ok OK appears to be the author name that Kuntze selected for himself. Today, we use Kuntze.
P Pursch is a recognized alternate spelling of Pursh.
lg langgriffeligen = long-styled ?
w Swertia paniculata Wall. Is a Himalayan taxon described by Wallich.
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Article records that use this photograph:
- Autecology of Desert Elkweed Frasera albomarginata S. Watson (Syn: Swertia a.) Gentianaceae in the American Southwest:
Kuntze, 1893.
Other photos about Frasera albomarginata or Taxonomy.
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