Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 218, Phlox stansburyi var. stansburyi  


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  Polemoniaceae Phlox stansburyi stansburyi
Scanned 4 Jan 2014.

Coll. No. 218, 27 Apr 2000, characters observed: Perennial, subshrub, open, not matted or cushion-like, Stem, woody below, Leaves, mostly opposite, some alternate, simple, entire, 45 mm. × 3 mm. wide, lance-linear; Inflorescence, not head-like; Calyx, lobes equal, membrane ±keeled; Corolla, salverform, tube 11 mm. + lobes 6 mm. = 17 mm.; Anthers, 3 short, 2 long; Style, 5.5 mm.; Stigma, 1 mm.

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