Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 679, Lupinus argenteus var. meionanthus  


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  Fabaceae Lupinus argenteus meionanthus
Scanned 5 Nov 2011

Coll. No. 679, 5 Nov 2011, Characters observed while keying: Perennial, herb, >= 3 dm tall (obs: 4.5-5 dm); Leaves cauline, spread along stem; Leaflets 22-38 mm, upper surface appressed hairy, not wooly; Infloresence open; Pedicels slender, 4-5 mm; Calyx spur mere bulge; Bracts persistent; Flower white, 10-11 mm; Banner base lightly hairy, back glabrous; Keel upper margin ciliate claw to tip not uniform, cilia density increases claw to tip.

Keys to Lupinus holmgrenanus in TJM1, L. gracilentus in TJM2, L. argenteus var. meionanthus in TJDM, and L. pratensis var. eriostachyus in Taylor (2010). The larger flower size of 10-11 mm is usually what gets one off track while keying. Also, the persistence of the bracts can be a problem.

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