Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 710, Pyrrocoma racemosa var. paniculata  


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  Asteraceae Pyrrocoma racemosa paniculata
Scanned 17 Nov 2011.

The head at lower left has been dissected to aid indetification.

Coll. No. 710, 17 Nov 2011, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb to 35 cm; Stem curved ascending, sparsely tomentose; Leaves alternate, reduced above, narrowly oblanceolate, either sessile or with winged petiole, small-serrate, glabrous; Heads 3, 15-20 mm across, racemose (not flat-topped clusters), not gummy/sticky; Pedicels 4-5 cm; Phyllaries in > 2 series, to 7 mm, white margined below, green tip 2 mm x 1 mm wide; Receptacle naked; Flowers both ray and disc, yellow; Achenes silky pubescent, with a pappus of bristles of uniform length (one series).

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