Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 963, Navarretia breweri  


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  Polemoniaceae Navarretia breweri
Scanned on 8 Feb 2014.

Coll. No. 963, 22 May 2013, characters observed: Annual, to 6 cm., prickly, minutely glandular; Stem, branches ascending along stem (as opposed to branches just below terminal head); Leaves, alternate except at base, deeply pinnately lobed, lobed portion 7 mm. + terminal lobe 9 mm., few straight white hairs; Inflorescence, dense, flowers in groups of 4-6, sllightly hairy, not wooly; Outer bracts like leaves; Calyx, lobes unequal (3 long, 2 short), tapered, membrane narrow, not spout-like distally; Corolla, lobes yellow; Stamens, exserted.

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