Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1169, Elymus cinereus |
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Scanned 2 November 2015. Coll. No. 1169, 24 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial bunch grass, to 1 m., of high-altitude desert, caespitose (non-rhizomatous); Nodes, (densely?) pubescent; Leaf, short hairy throughout, sheath, 22 cm., open, ligule, 3 mm., auricles, ? (I don't see any), blade, 32 cm., flat; Inflorescence, 15 cm. × 15 mm., 2-ranked, not branched; Rachis (axis), short hairy, assumed to remain intact with age (not disarticulating at flowering or after drying), internodes, 6 mm.; Spikelets, many, all similar, 2 per node, sessile, 20 mm., bisexual; Compression, lateral; Glumes, #2, awn-like, ±equal, 12-13 mm.; Lemma, 10 mm., awn 1 mm.; Palea, 10 mm.; Anthers, 6.7&mnsp;mm.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 8/26/2024 3:13:35 PM |