Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1341, Prunus domestica |
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Scanned 9 November 2016. Coll. No. 1341, 12 May 2016, characters observed; Small tree, to 3 m.; Stem, unarmed; Leaves, alternate, petiole, 3 mm., hairy, 2 glands at base, blade, likely immature, 20 mm. × 8 mm. wide, rhomboid / oblong / lanceolate, simple, bases equal, pinnately veined, margin toothed, hairy, but less on top than bottom; Pedicels, 8-10 mm., hairy below, thining above; Flowers, solitary in axils, perfect; Petals, free, white; Hypanthium, hairy inside; Ovary, superior; Style, 1; Stigma, 2; Fruit, unknown (not an acorn).
Article records that use this photograph:
Other photos about Species - Rosaceae or Prunus domestica.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:40:11 PM |