Eastern Mojave Vegetation Dissected spikelet of Coll. No. 2167, Bromus briziformis  


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  Poaceae Bromus briziformis
Scanned 22 July 2019.

Left to right: lower glume, floret showing lemma, achene, and palea, then upper glume, and outside of floret. The main this to see is the number of veins, which I count as nine on the upper glume and the lemma, and that there are not uniformly spaced.

Coll. No. 2167, 21 July 2019, characters observed: Annual grass, 30-40 cm., clumped; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated, soft; Sheath, closed; Ligule, membraneous, ciliate; Blade, 120 mm. × 4 mm. wide, flat, hairy; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, nodding, raceme or few-branched panicle, >leaves; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, many, 16-20 mm. × 8-10 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels, 18-22 mm.; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, unknown, rachilla seems pretty tough; Glumes, spreading at 45° to rachilla, lower, 5.5 mm., veins, #5, terete, upper, 7.0 mm., <lowest floret, veins, #9, ±parallel, membraneous, tough, awns, #0; Florets, 10-12 per spikelet, spreading at 45° to rachilla; Lemma, 8 mm., >glumes, ovate, membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tan, veins, #9, not uniformly spaced, ±parallel, margins, scarious, tip acute, awns, #0; Palea, 6 mm., membraneous, ciliate, tip, unknown, color, tan; Stamens, none seen; Achene, 5 mm., brown, fused to lemma and palea.

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