Eastern Mojave Vegetation Image of first description of Frasera  


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  Image of first description of <i>Frasera</i>
TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA, &c. 87 Four Stamens, One Style, etc.
69. FRASERA. Cal.1 tetraphyllus , fol. lanceolatis, perfiftens. Stem four-leaved, leaves lanceolate, persistent
Cor. tetrapetala, petalis acuminatis, intus ad medium barbatis, incarnatis. Corolla four-petaled, petals acuminate, on the inside bearded at the middle, flesh-colored.
Stam. filamenta quatuor fubulata, longitudine corollæ, anthere oblongæ, incumbentes. Stamen filaments four tapering to a fine point, fused at the corolla(?), anthers oblong, separate(?).
Pift. germen fuperum, magnum ovatum. Stylus brevis. Stigma obtifu bifidum. Pistil ovary superior, greatly ovate, style short, stigma two-lobed.
Per. filiqua ovata acuminata unilocularis. Per. capsule ovate tapering to a point, single-locule
Sem. plurima compreffa marginata imbricata. Seed very much compressed with overlapping margins.
carolinienfis I. caule erecto, ramis2 floriferis verticilatis; pedunculis unifloris geminis, longitudine inæqualibus, axillaribus; foliis lanceolatis. erect stem, with whorled flowering branches; twinned or paired single-flowered peduncles, lenthwise inequal, axillary; leaf lanceolate

1. "Cal." must be an abbreviation of "caule" or stem.
2.Perhaps "ramis" is "ramus" or stem.

Full Title: Flora Caroliniana, secundum Systema vegetabilium Linnæi digesta, characteres essentiales naturalesve et differentias veras exhibens; cum emendationibus numerosis, descriptionum antea evulgatarum adumbrationes stirpium plus mille continens, necnon generibus novis non paucis, speciebus plurimis novisq. ornata.

URL: http://www.botanicus.org/title/b12073714#

Book contributed by Missouri Botanical Garden

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Autecology of Desert Elkweed Frasera albomarginata S. Watson (Syn: Swertia a.) Gentianaceae in the American Southwest: Walter, 1788.

Other photos about Frasera albomarginata or Taxonomy.


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