Eastern Mojave Vegetation Letters -- 1985


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  Full Size Image Lydia Schweich, June 12, 1985.

Locations: Winklers Cabin.

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Lydia Schweich to Cheryl & Tom Schweich, 6/12/1985

June 12, 1985
Dear Cheryl, Tom and all,
Last Saturday afternoon we went to Cal Poly Pomona for the graduation exercises for Candy, a young girl that my brother helped get through college. Not sure if we told you about her or not. At one time she and her mother were living in an apartment where Alec lives. Her mother was drinking rather heavily, and Candy was going nowhere. So [about 5 years ago] Alec sort of took her under his wing, and helped her get through school. He tutored her, helped her with all her reports, and even at times bought some of her clothes so that she would be able to continue in school. And she is now teaching 4th grade. Alec really did a terrific thing to help her, and it is a real feather in his cap that she is turning out so well. He is now helping a girl who is about 12 years of age, tutoring her, handling all of her problems with school, and advising her father, who knows absolutely nothing about raising kids. We were there once when Regina was there, and Alec said the night before they had worked for about 4 hours on her math. He certainly is to be commended for assisting these youngsters. After hiking from the parking lot to the Quad where the graduation exercises were held, we did manage to find a seat; I think there were about 2500 graduates, and they called every name as they handed them their diplomas for either masters' or their bachelors' degrees. It was at 4:30, I think the temperature was in the 90°s. Then we drove to Chino where her parents, who are divorced gave her a family party in the Moose Lodge. They had a buffet dinner, and a three-piece combo played and sang real hillbilly music. Born to lose, and now I'm losing you, etc. etc. It was a different kind of an evening. There were about 20-25 people at the party.
Father has bought a 4' x 7' storage shed, the type with a shed roof, and will eventually put it behind our bedroom. We cleaned out the area, I had to move my calla lilies, and now are letting the ground sit, while father builds a frame and floor for the shed. Then he will assemble it, and move all of his mining equipment into it. I'm hoping there will be enough room for our handpush lawn mower which is on our back porch now. I 'd really like to get it off the porch, but we do want to keep it, in case our electric mower doesn't work sometime. In cleaning out the area behind the bedroom, we also had to move some concrete stepping stones about 6" closer to the bank so we would have enough room for the shed. Then when Father receives the parts for his airplane, he will be able to start right in on it in the garage -- in his half of the garage -- not in my half. I still want to be able to park my car in the garage.
Enclosed are some photos that we took on our last camping trip to the Providence Mountains. You probably have some better photos of the area than these, but we did want to show you some of the things that we saw. We really did have a good time there.
Well, take care of yourselves. With love, [Mother]

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:06:43 PM