Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Letters -- 2019 |
Articles that refer to this letter:
| Tom Schweich to Tim Hogan, 7/25/2019
Hi Gordon,
I was notified by Tim Hogan at COLO that my collection 1603 of
Lithospermum incisum was incorrectly identified on the label as
Mertensia lanceolata. My records show that I sent you a duplicate of
this collection. You might want to check it. I have attached a
replacement label.
Best regards,
Hi Tim,
Well, that's weird. My field notebook says Lithospermum incisum. I typed
in Lithospermum incisum when I copied my field notebook into my data
base. The only thing I can come up with is that I confused my
handwritten number 1603 with 1608 which is Mertensia lanceolata. Weak
excuse, though.
I have attached a replacement label, or if you prefer, please annotate
as Lithospermum incisum.
Thank you for checking my collections and letting me know of the
Best regards,
On 7/25/2019 3:29 PM, Tim M Hogan wrote:
| Date and time this article was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:35:47 PM |