Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Nevada Route 3C -- East Walker Road |
Tom Schweich |
This page describes a route known sometimes at East Walker Road, and sometimes as Nevada State Route 3C. It runs from near Yerrington, south along the East Walker River and then Bodie Creek to Bodie. | |
Other articles:
Junction: Nevada Highway 208 |
Airport | |
Strosnider Ranch | |
Junction: Minister Road, Reese River Road | |
Canyon widens to the south | |
Right angle bend. | |
Locations: East Walker River. |
Cross East Walker River |
Pass | |
Junction: Pine Grove Road | |
Junction: National Forest Developed Road 130 | |
Hilton Road, Airport, road re-joins East Walker River. | |
Wichman Canyon | |
Locations: East Walker River. |
Cross East Walker River |
Cross small draw, leave East Walker River. | |
Road Junction | |
Lyon County above. Mineral County below. | |
Small pass | |
Mineral County above. Lyon County below. | |
Pass, 6,484 feet | |
Lyon County above Mineral County below. | |
Other articles:
Literature Cited:
Locations: Bodie Creek. |
Somewhere along Bodie Creek is a probable debris flow deposit stidied by Bell and House (2007) in their study of the relationship between Plinian eruptions in the Mono Craters and overlying debris flow deposits. |
Junction: road to Aurora | |
Del Monte, Aurora Creek, road to Aurora. | |
Nevada above. California below. | |
Syndicate Mill | |
Other articles:
Junction: CA Hwy 270 |
If you have a question or a comment you may write to me at: tomas@schweich.com I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I never disclose your full name or address. |
Date and time this article was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:33:24 PM |