Eastern Mojave Vegetation Ben Hulse Monument, Imperial County, California.


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Monument on California Highway 78.

Dedicated For Public Use
MARCH 21, 1964
This highway parallels the old Indian trail, still visible from here, connecting the Imperial and Palo Verde Valleys.

The grateful people of Imperial County honor the memory of our beloved Senator Ben Hulse, who worked untiringly for the people of the State of California.

Ben Hulse Highway completes the four state system from Canada to Mexico which culminates twenty five years of work by countless civic minded citizens.

Erected by the Native Sons of the Golden West.

De Anza Parlor No. 312.

Grand President
Joseph G. Oeschger

Latitude: 33.1428151 Longitude: -114.864686 (° decimal)

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Date and time this article was prepared:11:58:55 AM, 2/4/2025.