Eastern Mojave Vegetation Slate Creek, Mono County, California.


See also: Lee Vining Creek (Upper).

See also: Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area. Slate Creek Valley. Timberline Station.

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See also: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area.

Creek somewhere up in the upper Lee Vining Creek watershed, possibly an older name for the portion of Lee Vining Creek between Saddlebag Lake and Ellery Lake, or possibly the extension of Lee Vining Creek that descends from the west, joining Lee Vining Creek near the Sawmill Campground.

Latitude: 37.959662 Longitude: -119.281127 (° decimal)

Articles that refer to this location:


Literature Referring To This Location:

Area Plant Lists that contain this location:

Species collected at or near this location.

This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.

  • TAS – The plant was collected by Tom Schweich.
  • Oth – The plant was collected by someone, but not Tom.
  • Obs – The plant was observed, but not collected.




Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom. Western Mountain Aster (Oth)


Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley subnuda. Alpine Meadow Butterweed (Oth)

Senecio subnudus J. N. Buek. Alpine Meadow Butterweed (Oth)


Trifolium monanthum A. Gray monanthum. Mountain Carpet Clover (Oth)


Lewisia pygmea (A. Gray) B. L. Rob. Alpine Lewisia (Oth)


Pedicularis groenlandica Retz. Elephanthead Lousewort (Oth)


Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & J.A. Schultes. American Alpine Speedwell (Oth)


Aquilegia formosa DC. Western Columbine (Oth)

Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schltdl. oxynotus (A. Gray) Jeps. Eschscholtz's Buttercup (Oth)


Galium bifolium S. Watson. Twinleaf Bedstraw (Oth)



Calamagrostis muiriana B. L. Wilson & Sami Gray. (Oth)

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. cespitosa. (Oth)

Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult. Prairie Junegrass (Oth)


Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners. Slender Wheatgrass (Oth)

Total number of taxa: 14
Native Taxa:
(serif, italic, bold)
Exotic Taxa:
(sans-serif, italic)
Nativity Undetermined:
(default font, italic)
Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed
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Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:37 AM, 2/4/2025.