Eastern Mojave Vegetation Slate Creek Valley, Mono County, California.


See also: Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area. Lee Vining Creek (Upper). Slate Creek. Slate Creek Basin.

See also: Cabin Creek. Timberline Station.

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See also: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area.

"Slate Creek Valley" appears to be an informal name for a portion of the upper Lee Vining Creek drainage, west of Saddlebag Lake, Hall Natural area.

Latitude: 37.960365 Longitude: -119.285107 (° decimal)

Articles that refer to this location:


Literature Referring To This Location:

Area Plant Lists that contain this location:

Species collected at or near this location.

This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.

  • TAS – The plant was collected by Tom Schweich.
  • Oth – The plant was collected by someone, but not Tom.
  • Obs – The plant was observed, but not collected.


Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Brittle Bladderfern (Oth)

Woodsia scopulina D. C. Eaton. Rocky Mountain Woodsia (Oth)


Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) C. A. Paris. Aleutian Maidenhair (Oth)

Cryptogramma acrostichoides R. Br. American Rockbrake (Oth)


Selaginella watsonii Underw. Watson's Spikemoss (Oth)


Athyrium distentifolium Opiz americanum (Butters) Cronquist. (Oth)


Pinus albicaulis Engelm. Whitebark Pine (Oth)

Pinus contorta Loudon murrayana (Grev. & Balf.) Critchf. Sierra Lodgepole Pine (Oth)


Sambucus racemosa L. racemosa. Red Elderberry (Oth)


Cymopterus terebinthinus (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray californicus (J. M. Coult. & Rose) Jeps. (Oth)

Ligusticum grayi J. M. Coult. & Rose. Gray's Licorice-Root (Oth)

Podistera nevadensis (A. Gray) S. Watson. (Oth)

Sphenosciadium capitellatum A. Gray. (Oth)


Ageratina occidentalis (Hook.) R. M. King & H. Rob. Western Snakeroot (Oth)

Eurybia (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom. Thickstem Aster (Oth)

Oreostemma alpigenum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene. Tundra Aster (Oth)

Sphaeromeria cana (D. C. Eaton) A. Heller. Gray Chickensage (Oth)


Achillea millefolium L. Common Yarrow (Oth)

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. incompta (Nutt.) D. D. Keck. White Sagebrush (Oth)

Artemisia rothrockii A. Gray. Timberline Sagebrush (Oth)

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Big Sagebrush (Oth)



Ericameria discoidea (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom. Whitestem Goldenbush (Oth)

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird speciosa (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird. Rubber Rabbitbush (Oth)

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird monocephala (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird. One-Headed Rabbitbrush (Oth)


Erigeron compactus S. F. Blake. Cushion Daisy (Oth)

Erigeron compositus Pursh. Cutleaf Daisy (Oth)

Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook. Short Ray Fleabane (Oth)

Erigeron pygmaeus (A. Gray) Greene. Pygmy Fleabane (Oth)


Pyrrocoma apargioides (A. Gray) Greene. Alpine Flames (Oth)


Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom. Western Mountain Aster (Oth)


Chaenactis Sharsm. Southern Sierra Pincushion (Oth)



Microseris nuttans (Hook.) Sch. Bip. Nodding Microceris (Oth)


Antennaria corymbosa E. E. Nelson. (Oth)

Antennaria media Greene. Rocky Mountain Pussytoes (Oth)

Antennaria rosea Greene. Rosy Pussytoes (Oth)



Arnica L. Leopardbane (Oth)

Arnica longifolia D. C. Eaton. Spear-Leaf Leopardbane (Oth)

Arnica nevadensis A. Gray. Sierran Leopardbane (Oth)


Raillardella argentea (A. Gray) A. Gray. Silky Raillardella (Oth)

Raillardella scaposa (A. Gray) A. Gray. Stem Raillardella (Oth)


Packera pauciflora (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve. Alpine Groundsel (Oth)

Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley. (Oth)

Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley subnuda. Alpine Meadow Butterweed (Oth)

Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve. Hoary Groundsel (Oth)

Senecio L. Ragwort (Oth)

Senecio integerrimus Nutt. exaltatus (Nutt.) Cronquist. Columbia Ragwort (Oth)

Senecio scorzonella Greene. Sierra Ragwort (Oth)


Cryptantha affinis Greene. (Oth)

Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) J. L. Gentry. Jessica Sticktight (Oth)

Hackelia nervosa (Kellogg) I. M. Johnst. Sierra stickseed (Oth)

Plagiobothrys stipitatus (Greene) I. M. Johnst. micranthus (Piper) I. M. Johnst. Stalked Popcornflower (Oth)


Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb. American Yellowrocket (Oth)

Boechera lemmonii (S. Watson) W. A. Weber. Lemmon's Rockcress (Oth)

Descurainia californica (A. Gray) O. E. Schulz. Sierra Tansymustard (Oth)

Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene perenne (Coville) R. J. Davis. Sanddune Wallflower (Oth)


Eremogone kingii (S. Watson) Ikonn. glabrescens (S. Watson) Dorn. King's Sandwort (Oth)

Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq. Nuttall's Sandwort (Oth)

Minuartia nuttallii Pax gracilis B. L. Rob. Nuttall's Sandwort (Oth)


Rhodiola integrifolia Raf. integrifolia. Ledge Stonecrop (Oth)

Sedum lanceolatum Torr. Spearleaf Stonecrop (Oth)


Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray. Pinemat Manzanita (Oth)

Gaultheria humifusa (Graham) Rydb. Alpine Spicywintergreen (Oth)


Astragalus purshii Hook. lectulus (S. Watson) M. E. Jones. Woolypod Milkvetch (Oth)

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. lobbii (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc. Lobb's Tidy Lupine (Oth)

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. sellulus (Kellogg) Barneby. Donner Lake Lupine (Oth)

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. burkei (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc. Largeleaf Lupine (Oth)

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray monanthum. Mountain Carpet Clover (Oth)


Gentiana newberryi A. Gray. Alpine Gentian (Oth)

Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner acuta (Michx.) J. M. Gillett. Autumn Dwarf Gentian (Oth)

Gentianopsis holopetala (A. Gray) H. H. Iltis. Sierra Fringed Gentian (Oth)


Ribes montigenum McClatchie. Gooseberry Currant (Oth)


Claytonia lanceolata Pallas ex Pursh. Lanceleaf Springbeauty (Oth)

Lewisia pygmea (A. Gray) B. L. Rob. Alpine Lewisia (Oth)

Lewisia triphylla (S. Watson) B. L. Rob. Three-leaf Lewisia (Oth)


Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. Pimpernel Willowherb (Oth)

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey fastigiatum (Nutt.) Hoch & P. H. Raven. Glaucus Willowherb (Oth)

Epilobium hornemannii Rchb. hornemannii. Hornemann's Willowherb (Oth)

Epilobium obcordatum A. Gray. Rockfringe (Oth)

Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & A. Gray parviflorum H. Lewis & Szweyk. Spreading Groundsmoke (Oth)


Castilleja applegatei Fernald pallida (Eastw.) Chuang & Heckard. Wavy-Leaf Indian Paintbrush (Oth)

Castilleja lemmonii A. Gray. Lemmon's Indian Paintbrush (Oth)

Castilleja miniata Hook. miniata. Giant Red Indian Paintbrush (Oth)

Castilleja nana Eastw. Dwarf Alpine Indian Paintbrush (Oth)

Orobanche uniflora L. Naked Broomrape (Oth)

Pedicularis attollens A. Gray. Little Elephant's Head (Oth)


Parnassia palustris L. California Grass of Parnassus (Oth)


Erythranthe suksdorfii (A. Gray) N.S. Fraga. Suksdorf's monkeyflower (Oth)

Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G.L. Nesom. Tiling's Monkeyflower (Oth)

Mimulus primuloides Benth. Primrose Monkey Flower (Oth)

Mimulus suksdorfii A. Gray. Suksdorf's monkeyflower (Oth)


Collinsia parviflora Lindl. Maiden Blue-eyed Mary (Oth)

Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray. Sierra Beardtongue (Oth)

Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray heterodoxus. Sierra Beardtongue (Oth)

Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson oreocharis (Greene) N. H. Holmgren. Rydberg's Penstemon (Oth)

Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & J.A. Schultes. American Alpine Speedwell (Oth)


Leptosiphon ciliatus (Benth.) Jeps. Whiskerbrush (Oth)

Leptosiphon harknessii (Curran) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson. Harkness' Flaxflower (Oth)

Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson. Granite Prickly Phlox (Oth)

Navarretia leptalea (A. Gray) L. A. Johnson bicolor (H. Mason & A. D. Grant ) L. A .Johnson. Bridges' Gilia (Oth)

Phlox caespitosa Nutt. Tufted Phlox (Oth)

Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook. (Oth)


Eriogonum incanum Torr. & A. Gray. Frosted Buckwheat (Oth)

Eriogonum lobbii Torr. & A. Gray. Lobb's Buckwheat (Oth)

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. deductum (Greene) Jeps. Naked Buckwheat (Oth)

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. scapigerum (Eastw.) Jeps. Naked Buckwheat (Oth)

Eriogonum spergulinum A. Gray reddingianum (M. E. Jones) J. T. Howell. Redding Buckwheat (Oth)

Polygonum douglasii Greene douglasii. Douglas Knotweed (Oth)

Polygonum minimum S. Watson. Broadleaf Knotweed (Oth)

Polygonum polygaloides Meisn. kelloggii (Greene) J. C. Hickman. Kellogg's Knotweed (Oth)

Polygonum shastense A. Gray. Shasta Knotweed (Oth)

Rumex paucifolius S. Watson. Alpine Sheep Sorrel (Oth)


Dodecatheon alpinum (A. Gray) Greene. Alpine Shootingstar (Oth)


Aconitum columbianum Nutt. Columbian Monkshood (Oth)

Aquilegia pubescens Coville. Sierra Columbine (Oth)

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson. Sierra Larkspur (Oth)

Ranunculus alismifolius. Plaintainleaf Buttercup (Oth)

Ranunculus alismifolius Benth. alismellus A. Gray. Plaintainleaf Buttercup (Oth)

Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schltdl. Eschscholtz's Buttercup (Oth)

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray. Fendler's Meadow Rue (Oth)

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray fendleri. Fendler's Meadow Rue (Oth)


Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. Ocean Spray (Oth)

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. discolor. Ocean Spray (Oth)

Ivesia lycopodioides A. Gray megalopetala (Rydb.) D. D. Keck. Clubmoss Mousetail (Oth)

Potentilla breweri S. Watson. (Oth)

Potentilla bruceae Rydb. (Oth)

Potentilla glaucophylla Lehm. glaucophylla. Blue Leaf Cinquefoil (Oth)

Potentilla pseudosericea Rydb. Silky Cinquefoil (Oth)

Rosa woodsii Lindl. ultramontana (S. Watson) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde. Mountain Rose (Oth)


Galium bifolium S. Watson. Twinleaf Bedstraw (Oth)

Kelloggia galioides Torr. Milk Kelloggia (Oth)


Salix arctica Pall. Arctic Willow (Oth)

Salix eastwoodiae A. Heller. (Oth)

Salix orestera C. K. Schneid. Sierra Willow (Oth)

Salix planifolia Pursh. Diamond-Leaf Willow (Oth)


Heuchera rubescens Torr. alpicola Jeps. Pink Alumroot (Oth)

Saxifraga aprica Greene. Sierra Saxifrage (Oth)

Saxifraga bryophora A. Gray. Bud Saxifrage (Oth)

Saxifraga odontoloma Piper. Brook Saxifrage (Oth)

Saxifraga tolmiei Torr. & A. Gray. Tolmie's Saxifrage (Oth)


Allium obtusum Lemmon. Red Sierra Onion (Oth)


Carex breweri Boott. Brewer's Sedge (Oth)

Carex congdonii L. H. Bailey. Congdon's sedge (Oth)

Carex filifolia Nutt. erostrata Kük. (Oth)

Carex fissuricola Mack. Cleft Sedge (Oth)

Carex helleri Mack. Heller's Sedge (Oth)

Carex heteroneura W. Boott heteroneura. Different-Nerve Sedge (Oth)

Carex illota L. H. Bailey. Sheep Sedge (Oth)

Carex microptera Mack. Smallwing Sedge (Oth)

Carex multicostata Mack. Manyrib Sedge (Oth)

Carex raynoldsii Dewey. Raynold's Sedge (Oth)

Carex scopulorum T. Holm. bracteosa (L. H. Bailey) F. Herm. Mountain Sedge (Oth)

Carex spectabilis Dewey. Showy Sedge (Oth)

Carex straminiformis L. H. Bailey. Shasta Sedge (Oth)

Carex subfusca W. Boott. Brown Sedge (Oth)

Carex subnigricans Stacey. Nearly-Black Sedge (Oth)

Carex utriculata Boott. Beaked Sedge (Oth)

Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O. Schwarz. Fewflower Spikerush (Oth)

Trichophorum clementis (M. E. Jones) S. G. Sm. Yosemite Bulrush (Oth)


Juncus parryi Engelm. Parry's Rush (Oth)

Luzula comosa E. Mey. Pacific Woodrush (Oth)

Luzula divaricata S. Watson. Forked Woodrush (Oth)

Luzula orestera Sharsm. Sierra Woodrush (Oth)

Luzula subcongesta (S. Watson) Jeps. Donner Woodrush (Oth)


Calochortus leichtlinii Hook. f. Smokey Mariposa (Oth)


Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer. Sierra Bog Orchid (Oth)

Spiranthes porrifolia Lindl. Creamy Lady's Tresses (Oth)



Agrostis humilis Vasey. Alpine Bentgrass (Oth)

Agrostis scabra Willd. Rough Bentgrass (Oth)

Agrostis variabilis Rydb. (Oth)

Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. Bluejoint (Oth)

Calamagrostis muiriana B. L. Wilson & Sami Gray. (Oth)

Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler inexpansa (A. Gray) C. W. Greene. Northern Reedgrass (Oth)

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. cespitosa. (Oth)

Deschampsia elongata (Hook.) Munro. Slender Hairgrass (Oth)

Phleum alpinum L. Alpine Timothy (Oth)

Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt. Spike Trisetum (Oth)


Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. carinatus. California Brome (Oth)

Bromus suksdorfii Vasey. Suksdorf's Brome (Oth)


Danthonia intermedia Vasey. Timber Oatgrass (Oth)

Danthonia unispicata (Thurb.) Macoun. Onespike Danthonia (Oth)


Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Watson) Rydb. Pullup Muhly (Oth)

Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc. Mountain Muhly (Oth)

Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb. Mat Muhly (Oth)


Melica bulbosa Geyer. Oniongrass (Oth)

Melica stricta Bol. Rock Melicgrass (Oth)


Festuca saximontana Rydb. Rocky Mountain Fescue (Oth)

Poa cusickii Vasey epilis (Scribn.) W. A. Weber. Cusick's Bluegrass (Oth)

Poa secunda J. Presl secunda. Sandberg Bluegrass. (Oth)

Torreyochloa erecta (Hitchc.) G. L. Church. Spiked False Mannagrass (Oth)

Torreyochloa pallida (J. Presl) G. L. Church pauciflora (J. Presl) J. I Davis. Pale False Mannagrass (Oth)


Stipa kingii Bol. Sierra False Needlegrass (Oth)

Stipa lemmonii (Vasey) Scribn. (Oth)

Stipa nelsonii Scribn. dorei (Barkworth & J. R. Maze) Dorn. Mountain Needlegrass (Oth)

Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson californica (Merr. & Davy) C. L. Hitchc. California Needlegrass (Oth)

Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson occidentalis. Western Needlegrass (Oth)


Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey. Squirreltail Grass (Oth)

Elymus sierrae Gould. (Oth)

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners. Slender Wheatgrass (Oth)


Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link. Starry False Lily of the Valley (Oth)


Triteleia ixioides (S. Watson) Greene anilina (Greene) L. W. Lenz. Pretty Face (Oth)

Triteleia montana Hoover. Sierra Triteleia (Oth)

Total number of taxa: 201
Native Taxa:
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Exotic Taxa:
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Nativity Undetermined:
(default font, italic)
Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed
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Date and time this article was prepared:4:50:18 PM, 9/22/2024.