Eastern Mojave Vegetation Dolmen de Soto, (Huelva), Andalucia, Spain.

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It was discovered by Don Armando de Soto in 1922 and the excavations began that same year. Years later, on 3 June 1931, the dolmen was declared a National Monument. The dolmen belongs to the "corredor largo" dolmen family and is the largest of those discovered in the province, and one of the largest in the Peninsula. It has a chamber and a "V" passage that gets wider towards the inside. It is almost 21 m long. It is oriented from east to west, so that the first rays of sun in the equinox move along the passage and shine on the chamber for a few minutes, as part of a ritual in which maybe the dead came to life again thanks to the sunlight. Despite being so large, only eight bodies were buried in seven different places. They all appear crouched down near the wall, each of them with an orthostat on which there are a few engravings that represent the image of the deceased, his protecting totemic sign or some of his weapons. Grave goods were found next to the bodies, with stone utensils such as axes, knives, etc.; pottery such as cups, bowls, plates, etc.; a conical bone bracelet; sea fossils, etc. (http://www.andalucia.org/en/cultural-tourism/visits/huelva/monumentos/dolmen-de-soto/)

Elevation: 87ft, 18m.

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Date and time this article was prepared:5:07:04 PM, 2/22/2025.