Eastern Mojave Vegetation Article in Kansas City Times.  


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  Article in Kansas City Times.
From the files of February 16 and 17, 1907.

The annual dinner of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri at the Midland hotel turned into a big demonstration for Herbert S. Hadley for the nomination for governor. He now is attorney general. There were 250 men at the dinner from all parts of the state. E. E. E, McJimsey of Springfield was elected president of the association although not present. He telegraphed acceptance.

The postal department has placed on sale books of twenty-four 1-cent stamps, for 25 cents. Books of twelve 2-cent stamps have been on sale at 25 cents for sometime.

O. C. Snider and J. J. Heim of Kansas City are among the purchasers of the Automatic Telephone company of Chicago, which will develop long distance service between various cities of this area and the Atlantic seaboard. Announcement is made that rental of post office boxes in the main post office and station A in the west bottoms will be doubled, April 1. A similar order was made last fall but was later rescinded. The new rates will be $2 and $5 a quarter.

A duck hunter reported seeing a flock of pintail ducks yesterday. He said in years he has been following the sport he has never missed seeing some of that species on February 15.

The 1 o'clock closing of pool and billiard halls became effective yesterday when Mayor H. M. Beardsley signed the ordinance.

Bank clearings were $30,540,000.

At the theaters: Shubert, Henry E. (Adonis) Dixey in "The Man on the Box"; Grand, Andrew Mack in "Arrah - na - Pogue"; Willis Wood, "The Clansman"; Auditorium. "The Crisis"; Gillis, "Queen of the Highlanders"; Orpheum, vaudeville; Majestic, burlesque; Century, burlesque; Convention Hall, Tuesday night only, Moriz Rosenthal, pianist.

Miss Irma Hemenway Shaw and Robert P. Schweich were married Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shaw, by the Rev. Z. M. Williams.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Field Notes: 1947.

Other photos about Kansas or Unclassified.


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