Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Kansas

By Tom Schweich

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Geography - Idaho
Geography - Park County, CO
Geography - Summit County, CO
Geography - Arizona
Geography - British Columbia
Geography - California
Geography - California's Colorado Desert
Geography - Mono Lake Basin, California
Geography - Mono County, California
Geography - San Luis Obispo County, California
Geography - Marin County, California
Geography - Santa Clara County
Geography - Central Mojave
Geography - New Mexico
Geography - Eastern Mojave
Geography - Northern Mojave
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Geography - Alamosa County, CO
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Geography - Clear Creek County, CO
Geography - Chaffee County, CO
Geography - Douglas County, CO
Geography - Gilpin County, CO
Geography - Golden, Colorado
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Geography - Hinsdale County, CO
Geography - Jefferson County, CO
Geography - North Table Mountain, Jefferson Cty, CO
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Spain - Andalucia
Spain - Castilla y Leon
Spain - Castilla-La Mancha
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Economic Geology
Salvia dorrii
Frasera albomarginata
Species - Polygonaceae
Species - Brassicaceae
Species - Brassicaceae, Physaria vitulifera
Species - Rosaceae
Species - Fabaceae
Species - Onagraceae
Species - Polemoniaceae
Species - Boraginaceae
Species - Plantaginaceae
Species - Asteraceae
Species - Poaceae
Customer Satisfaction
New York
Christmas 2002
Family Photos
Family Documents
Family Photos 2003
Art of Lydia Schweich
Geography - Germany

Images are organized by the topics listed at left. Click on a topic name to see images with that topic.

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If you have a comment or a question about a photograph you may write to me at tomas@schweich.com I will answer you as soon as I can. I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I will not disclose your full name or address.

Willie Belle Chick

Willie Belle Chick

This print does not have the Elko border.

Article records that use this photograph:


Irma, 1915

Irma Schweich
Kansas City, MO
1915 / 1916 ?
Photo by Hortense
"Hortense snapped this one of me -- See the cat in the hammock."

Article records that use this photograph:


Irma and Paul Schweich, about 1910

Irma and Paul Schweich
about 1910
Kansas City, MO

Article records that use this photograph:


Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bob

Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bob Shaw

Article records that use this photograph:


Hortense and Bobby, 1915

Article records that use this photograph:


The house on Forest in 1938

Article records that use this photograph:


Grandmother Arvilla Shaw, Hortense and Paul

Grandmother Arvilla Shaw, Hortense and Paul
November 1917

Article records that use this photograph:


Hortense on Porch, 1920

Article records that use this photograph:


Sally Jean Wilson on Princess

Sally Jean (Wilson) on Princess, the Wilson's horse.
Print has the Elko border.

Article records that use this photograph:


Paul R. and Paul A. at the new house.

Spring 1924
Paul R. Schweich
& Paul A in
front of new home 74th &
Forrest, K. C.

Article records that use this photograph:


Paul and Hortense, 1912

Paul Schweich & Hortense
living on Chestnut Street
living with Grandmother Shaw

Article records that use this photograph:


Paul A. Schweich, 1919

Article records that use this photograph:


The "Elko" border

A number of the prints have this very distinctive border. I presume it is the mark of the film processor. I may help group prints made at a similar time.

Article records that use this photograph:


Robert Shaw

Robert Shaw
Born about 1884
Brother of Irma

Photograph taken 1906.

Article records that use this photograph:


Ruth Shaw with Marietta, Elizabeth, and Nancy

Ruth Shaw, with Marietta, Elizabeth, and Nancy.
This print does not have the Elko border on it.

Article records that use this photograph:


Clark Ensminger and Marietta Wilson

Thanksgiving 1949
Clark Ensminger and Marietta Wilson
Aunt Ruth's brother.

Article records that use this photograph:


Thanksgiving 1949

Thanksgiving 1949
Robert Shaw
Frank B. Wilson (Betty's Husband)
Don Shaw
The address is 4211 Washington, Kansas City, MO.

Article records that use this photograph:


Irma Schweich with nieces

Irma Shaw in front of Willie Bell's house.
Print has an Elko border.

My distant cousin Marrietta thinks the year would be c. 1942, with Sally on left, Janice on right

Article records that use this photograph:


Irma Schweich (?) with Nancy Wilson

Nancy Wilson
with Irma? Or Willie Belle ?

"The new baby Nancy (Wilson) is so cute - 4 mo. old now.
"I look like a colored mammy."
Print has an Elko border.

Article records that use this photograph:


Robert Shaw with Janice Wilson in 1939.

The year is 1939, per my cousin Marietta
Robert Shaw
Print has an Elko border, that may go with other prints with same border.

Article records that use this photograph:


Irma, Hortense, and Bobby

Article records that use this photograph:


Paul A. Schweich, 1919

Article records that use this photograph:


Article in Kansas City Times.

From the files of February 16 and 17, 1907.

The annual dinner of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri at the Midland hotel turned into a big demonstration for Herbert S. Hadley for the nomination for governor. He now is attorney general. There were 250 men at the dinner from all parts of the state. E. E. E, McJimsey of Springfield was elected president of the association although not present. He telegraphed acceptance.

The postal department has placed on sale books of twenty-four 1-cent stamps, for 25 cents. Books of twelve 2-cent stamps have been on sale at 25 cents for sometime.

O. C. Snider and J. J. Heim of Kansas City are among the purchasers of the Automatic Telephone company of Chicago, which will develop long distance service between various cities of this area and the Atlantic seaboard. Announcement is made that rental of post office boxes in the main post office and station A in the west bottoms will be doubled, April 1. A similar order was made last fall but was later rescinded. The new rates will be $2 and $5 a quarter.

A duck hunter reported seeing a flock of pintail ducks yesterday. He said in years he has been following the sport he has never missed seeing some of that species on February 15.

The 1 o'clock closing of pool and billiard halls became effective yesterday when Mayor H. M. Beardsley signed the ordinance.

Bank clearings were $30,540,000.

At the theaters: Shubert, Henry E. (Adonis) Dixey in "The Man on the Box"; Grand, Andrew Mack in "Arrah - na - Pogue"; Willis Wood, "The Clansman"; Auditorium. "The Crisis"; Gillis, "Queen of the Highlanders"; Orpheum, vaudeville; Majestic, burlesque; Century, burlesque; Convention Hall, Tuesday night only, Moriz Rosenthal, pianist.

Miss Irma Hemenway Shaw and Robert P. Schweich were married Thursday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shaw, by the Rev. Z. M. Williams.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Field Notes: 1947.


Note accompanying article in KC Times.

Sat up and took notice when I saw this in K. C. Times. Somebody at Star must have remembered you.

Ruby was over last Sun. for dinner and we took a ride afterward. She seemed to enjoy it. Looks awfully thin. Do hope she gets a day job. I told her thought she should. She doesn't eat right or get out enough when she works at night, then it affects her mentally.

I told her that she hadn't been like herself since she had that night job. Worse than working in day time - even though she didn't think so.

The Wilson family in for dinner last night. Also Clark. Quite a job but we wnjoy it. All about over the chicken pox.


Article records that use this photograph:

  • Field Notes: 1947.


Wilson girls with Martha and Tommy.

Photograph assumed to be taken in 1951. My father worked temporarily at the Cessna plant in Wichita, and we went to visit relatives in Kansas City.

Article records that use this photograph:


Dodge City

Changing a tire in Dodge City, Kansas

June 1930
Dodge City Kansas
Changing a tire.

Article records that use this photograph:



Hortense and Cats, 1916

Hortense and the cats in northern New York in 1916.

Article records that use this photograph:


Wallace Grove

Hortense and Bobby with Paul

Paul, Hortense & Bobby
K. C. MO
Wallace Grove

Article records that use this photograph:



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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:09:44 PM