Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Economic Geology

By Tom Schweich

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Economic Geology
Salvia dorrii
Frasera albomarginata
Species - Polygonaceae
Species - Brassicaceae
Species - Brassicaceae, Physaria vitulifera
Species - Rosaceae
Species - Fabaceae
Species - Onagraceae
Species - Polemoniaceae
Species - Boraginaceae
Species - Plantaginaceae
Species - Asteraceae
Species - Poaceae
Customer Satisfaction
New York
Christmas 2002
Family Photos
Family Documents
Family Photos 2003
Art of Lydia Schweich
Geography - Germany

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Beck Spring Mine

Beck Spring Mine

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Smith Talc Road - Eastern Mojave Desert: Beck Mine.


Blue Rock Mine

Blue Rock Mine.

I met Bill Brown, owner of the Blue Rock Mine in Macedonia Canyon, one afternoon in about 1985. He told me the Blue Rock Mine was his, and that he mined "pods" of scheelite (tungsten ore) even though there was substantial copper mineralization on his property. He also said he lived in Los Angeles, and drove out to his mine on the weekends. He kept his trailer and "jeep" at the Cima Store.

I haven't seen Bill since, the roof is torn off of his cabin, and the trailer at Cima Store looks to be abandoned.

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Coliseum Mine

The Coliseum Mine on the north Side of Clark Mountain.

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Columbia Mine

Columbia Mine as seen from the ridge above.

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Chemical storage at the Columbia Mine.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Macedonia Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 24000.
  • Eastern Mojave Geology -- A Botanist's View: Columbia Mine.


The Columbia Mine.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Macedonia Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 22000.
  • Eastern Mojave Geology -- A Botanist's View: Columbia Mine.


Death Valley Mine

View of Cima Dome from the dump of the Death Valley Mine.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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Inclined conveyor belt at the Death Valley Mine.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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New headframe at the Death Valley Mine.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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View of headframe at Death Valley Mine near Cima, California

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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Evening Star Mine

The Evening Star Mine as seen from Kessler Springs (Cima) Road.

Photograph taken May 27, 2005.

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View of the Evening Star Mine

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

The Evening Star Mine was the only producer of tin ore (cassiterite, tin oxide) in the eastern Mojave Desert. The mine was in production between 1939 and 1944.

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Excelsior Mine

Excelsior Mine, Kingston Range, from Excelsior Mine Road.

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Giant Ledge Mine

The "Giant Ledge," a quartz dike in Caruthers Canyon.

In the center of this photograph is the "Giant Ledge," a quartz dike that can be followed over a long distance in upper Caruthers Canyon. The Giant Ledge Mine is on the other side of the ridge from where this photograph was taken.

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Giant Ledge Mine, Caruthers Canyon, New York Mountains.

This is one location for Frasera albomarginata.

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Golden Quail Mine

Exploration at the Golden Quail Mine: 1987.

Photographed April 1987.

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Sketch map: 1987.

This is my field sketch map of the surficial geology in the vicinity of the Golden Quail Mine. sch - schist. pE - metasandstone and metaconglomerate, possibly Precambrian and correlative with the Precambrian schist and gneiss found elsewhere in the Mid Hills, not mentioned by Hewett (1956). ls - limestone, probably Goodsprings dolomite. hb - highly sheared greenish rock, probably the Cedar Canyon fault zone. gr - granite. Tv - Tertiary volcanics, probably Peach Springs Tuff or Hole-in-the-Wall Tuff.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • New York Mountain Road - Mojave National Preserve: 23000.
  • Eastern Mojave Geology -- A Botanist's View: Golden Quail Claims.


Mine shaft: 1981.

This is the shaft that Hewett (1956) notes is 250 feet deep. Kate, Scott, Matt and Linda are looking at the owl chicks in a nest about 6 feet down the shaft. The shaft is gone now as the current operators of the Golden Quail mine have dug an open pit about 30 feet deep. The stake in the right foreground marked a bore from which cores had recently been taken. None of the cores were left at the mine location.

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The open pit of the Golden Quail Mine: 1998.

This is the appearance of the Golden Quail Mine in 1998. The water is in the approximate location of the former shaft, and the area has been left a horrible mess.

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Exploration at the Golden Quail Mine: 1987.

Protographed April 1987, scanned from a print 6 February 2018.

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Goldhammer Mine

Bird eggs in a shaft of the Goldhammer Mine.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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Mollusk Mine

Mollusk Mine in Mountain Pass.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

Also known as the Mescal Mine and the Cambria Mine, the Mollusk Mine produced high-grade gold and silver ore with antimony between 1882 and 1888. The ore was processed at a 10-stamp mill at Mescal Spring.

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Oil Well near McKittrick, CA

This oil well is just west of McKittrick on California Highway 58.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • California Highway 58: 27800.


Oil drill site

Oil drill site on Pinto Valley Road.

This is the remains of an exploratory oil well drilled in the late 1980's.

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Potosi Mine

Location of Potosi Mine.

Courtesy of USGS.

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Providence Mine

Roland, Scott, Jim, Julie and Gray in front of the powder house at the Providence Mine.

The Providence Mine is in the extreme north end of the Providdence Mountains, and is reached by way of Globe Canyon, and Summit Springs.

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Silver Buddy Mine

Prospect trenches at the Silver Buddy Mine.

These horrible gashes were made in the hillside by the miners when they were prospecting at the Silver Buddy Mine. They were probably made by a caterpillar tractor in a few hours, but will require many more years to heal.

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Debris around the Silver Buddy Mine.

Photograph taken in May, 1999.

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Ore bin and equipment dump at the Silver Buddy Mine.

Photograph taken in May, 1999.

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Aerial photograph of prospect trenches at the Silver Buddy Mine.

The Silver Buddy Mine is west of Wild Horse Canyon Road. Apparently while prospecting, the former mine operators dug four deep trenches in the hill side. These trenches are clearly visible in this aerial photograph and when on the ground. The scars may never heal within a human lifetime.

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Silverado-Tungstite claims

Looking down the main shaft of the Silverado Claim.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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Silverado-Tungstite claims

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

Silver was shipped from the Silverado Claim before 1900. The Tungstite skarn is along a dolomite/granite contact containing epidote, garnet, and scheelite (calcium tungstate); it was prospected intil 1951. The four rock ruins were apparently housing and an assay building. Also nearby is rockwork probably associated with an old regional freight road.

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Standard No. 1 Mine Camp

View of the Standard No. 1 Mine Camp.

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

The Excelsior was located in 1896 and produced copper with gold and silver between 1902 and 1908 from a skarn that contained magnetite, chalcopyrite, and scheelite. Before 1905, ore from the Standard No. 1 was hauled by wagon to a smelter at Needles. Rail service was established to Cima in 1905, and ore was then hauled by 16-horse-team wagons to rail cars bound for smelters in Salt Lake, Utah.

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Vulcan Iron Mine

View of the Vulcan Iron Mine from Kelbaker Road

Photograph taken 24 April 2005.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/4/2025 12:00:02 PM