Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Geography - Utah

By Tom Schweich

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Geography - North Table Mountain, Jefferson Cty, CO
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Economic Geology
Salvia dorrii
Frasera albomarginata
Species - Polygonaceae
Species - Brassicaceae
Species - Brassicaceae, Physaria vitulifera
Species - Rosaceae
Species - Fabaceae
Species - Onagraceae
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Christmas 2002
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Family Photos 2003
Art of Lydia Schweich
Geography - Germany

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Hurricane, Utah, looking southwest from a pullout on Utah Highway 59.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005.

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Green River in Green River, UT

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Colorado River upstream of Moab.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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The Bonneville Salt Flats from the Rest Stop on US I-80.

Photograph taken in August 2003. The horizontal lines on the hills in the distance are shorelines of Lake Bonneville.

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Hurricane as seen from the Hurricane Cliffs on the east.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005, from a pullout on Utah Highway 59, where the highway climbs up the cliff face. The Pine Valley Mountains are seen in the distance.

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La Verkin and the Hurricane Cliffs.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005.

The town in the foreground is La Verkin. In the lower right corner, Utah Highway 9 crosses the Virgin River in its gorge. The Hurricane Cliffs are the left face of the ridge in the center. This photo looks along the axis of the cliffs, as it was taken from Utah Highway 59 where it climbs up the face of the cliffs.

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Fort Harmony and the Harmony Mountains across US I-15.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005 from the access road into Kolob Canyons.

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View westward of the San Francisco Mountains from near Milford, Utah.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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View south from near Milford.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

The valley is called the Escalante Desert, the middle ground mountains are the Black Mountains, and the Pine Valley Mountains are in the distance.

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Bee Hive ovens at the Frisco Mine, Utah.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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Frisco Mine workings.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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Plaque for town of Frisco.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

Daughters of Utah Pioneers
No. 268
Erected 1961


A typical mining town at the foot of the San Francisco Mountain (sic?) was fed by the fabulously rich horn silver mine. By 1885 over $60,000,000 in zinc, copper, lead, silver, and gold were hauled away by mule train and the Utah Central Railroad. Water was shipped in as well as all supplies. The the mine caved and people moved away, leaving only a few families of the 4,000 population to maintain their homes, stores, school, and church. By the 1920's only memories and the shifting sands were left.

Horn Silver Camp
Silver Desert Camp
Beaver County, Utah

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Looking west through Wah Wah Summit.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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Looking north into the Wah Wah Mountains from Wah Wah Summit.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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The beginning of Utah Highway 21

Photograph taken June 1, 2005.

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Looking west across Wah Wah Valley to the Wah Wah Mountains.

Photograph taken June 1, 2005, from the east side of the San Francisco Mountains.

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Arches National Park

Trail to Delicate Arch

Photograph taken in August 2003.

The trail sign says it's 1.5 miles from the trail head to Delicate Arch. The first half of this trail climbs across this bare sandstone outcrop.

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Arches at the Windows.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Trailside discussion with a Ranger.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Cheryl rests on the trail to Delicate Arch.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Delicate Arch

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Turret Arch

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Bonneville Salt Flats

US I-80 rest stop in the middle of the Bonneville salt flats.

Photograph taken August 17, 2003.

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Boulder Mountain

View across Waterpocket Fold to San Rafael Desert

Photographed October 8, 2017.

The San Rafael Swell is faintly visible in the left distance.

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View south from Boulder Mountain

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Circle Cliffs in the middleground, with Straight Cliffs in the distance.

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Interpretive panel

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Lay of the Land: Across a Vast Horizon

“To a life that accepts Nature's hand in sculpting an individual expression – Nothing is exempt.

From the mellifluous rhythm and tome of the wid chime, to the transitional form of the cloud – Nothing exists alone.

All things thrive and whither in confluence with one another.

So it is; the paradox of our divinity.”

– Dave Buschow

Waterpocket Fold

The 100-mile-long Waterpocket Fold forms the backbone of Capitol Reef National Park. Here, geologic rock layers drape over a steeply dipping fault plane. Over millennia, water and wind have eroded the soft layers, sculpting the Waterpocket Fold's intricate contours. Along the Fold, water collects in sandstone basins, forming “waterpockets.”

Circle Cliffs

Within this section of Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument lie huge petrified wood logs, some nearly 90 feet long. These rocks formed from trees that grew some 210 million years ago. The logs were buried in river sediments and became “petrified” as silica from volcanic ash gradually replaced organic cell tissue.

The Heart of the Escalante

“The Aquarius should be described in blank verse and illustrated upon canvas. The explorer who sits upon the brink of its parapet looking off into the southern and eastern haze, who skirts its lava cap or clambers up and down its vast ravines, who builds his camp fire by the borders of its snow-fed lakes or stretches himself beneath its giant pines and spruces, forgets that he is a geologist and feels himself a poet.”

– Clarence Dutton, 1880

The wild heart of the Escalante River drainage spreads before you – a labyrinth of canyons, mesas, and rolling slickrock. Remote peaks grace the horizon. On the far left lie the Henry Mountains, the last-named mountain range in the continental United States and home to one of the country's few free-roaming bison herds. Follow the horizon south, and you'll reach the rounded dome of Navajo Mountain on the Utah-Arizona border.

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Interpretive panel at Larb Hollow Overlook.

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Early Explorers: Filling in the Blanks

Ellen Thompson, Expedition Botanist

Ellen Thompson, wife of A. H. Thompson and sister of John Wesley Powell, served as botanist on the second Powell Expedition. She collected hundreds of plants, many of them new to science. Several were named in her honor, including Thompson's Penstemon (Penstemon thompsoniae) and Thompson's Woolly Locoweed (Astragalus mollissimum var. thompsoniae). Mount Ellen, in the Henry Mountains, is also named for her.

“I never felt more exultant in my life … I was looking on the most wonderful scenery I ever beheld.”

Andrus Expedition, 1866

“… as far as the Eye can see a naked barren plain of red and white Sandstone crossed in all directions by innumerable gorges …” -- Franklin B. Woolley, Andrus Expedition, 1866.

Several years before the Powell Expedition, the Andrus military expedition patrolled the Aquarius Plateau region, providing the first written descriptions of this area.

Mapping the Last Uncharted Lands

By 1870, the continental United States had been mapped and surveyed, except for one area -- the vast region that surrounds you. From the Colorado River to the Aquarius Plateau, and from the Virgin River to the Green, this rugged landscape was uncharted territory.

Though the Fremont Expedition passed through Capitol Reef during the winter of 1853-54, they were desperately low on provisions and did not linger to survey the region. In 1872, John Wesley Powell launched his second expedition down thw Green and Colorado Rivers to chart the Rivers and surrounding lands. Over the next four years, his brother-in-law, Almon H. Thompson, led the land survey of southern Utah, during which he explored and charted Boulder Mountain and the rest of the Aquarius Plateau. The expedition also named and mapped the Escalante River and the Henry Mountains, respectively the last-mapped river and mountain range in the lower 48 states.

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Turning aspens at Larb Hollow Overlook

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Turning aspens on Boulder Mountain

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Bryce Canyon National Park

View of the cliffs at Bryce Canyon National Park.

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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Capitol Reef National Park

Switchbacks on the Burr Trail

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Oyster Shell Reef on top of the Waterpocket Fold.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Landscape above the Waterpocket Fold

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View of top side of Capitol Reef.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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  • Field Notes: 7-Jun-08.
  • Road 1670 "Notom Road," Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah: 70000.


Switchback on the Burr Trail Road

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Burr Trail Road entrance to Capitol Reef National Park

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Canyon in Capitol Reef National Park along Utah Highway 24

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Canyon in Capitol Reef National Park along Utah Highway 24

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Canyon in Capitol Reef National Park along Utah Highway 24

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Near Park Headquarters.

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Cliffs at Panorama Point

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Small mesa near Panorama point.

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Small mesa near Panorama point.

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Carbon County

The Western Mining and Railroad Museum in Helper, Utah.

Photographed 24 September 2022.

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Interpretive site in Scofield, Utah.

Photographed 24 September 2022.

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Main Street, Helper, Carbon County, Utah

Photographed 24 September 2022.

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Scofield Reservoir from Mountain View Campground

Photographed 24 September 2022.

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Main Street, Helper, Utah

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Wellington, Utah, from the east.

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Coming into Helper, Utah, on US Highway 6

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Interpretive Display in Scofield

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

Scofield: One of Utah's First Coal Towns
Founded in 1879 -- a few years after coal was discovered in Pleasant Valley, Scofield was one of the earliest coal mining towns in Utah. With a number of mines in the vicinity providing employment, Scofield boasted nearly 2,000 citizens in its heydey. Miners and their families also lived in surrounding communities.
Scofield was the center of mining activity in Pleasant Valley from 1879 until the 1920s. After that, mining activity dwindled, and the town's population declined to only a few hundred. Mining in the area has made a comeback, possible leading to a re-birth of this picturesque high-county community.

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Interpretive Display about the Winter Quarters Mine Disaster

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

Winter Quarters: Portrait of a Disaster
Located up a canyon west of here, Winter Quarters was a small mining community founded about the same time as Scofield. At 10:25 a. m. on May 1, 1900, miners outside shaft No. 4 of the Winter Quarters Mine heard a dull thud. Experienced miners knew there had been an explosion. Working in coal dust sometimes ankle-deep, 199 of the 312 men inside the mine were quickly overcome by lethal gas produced when the dust was ignited by the explosion.
The Winter Quarters tradegy was the deadliest coal mine accident in U. S. history to that time. It left 107 widows, and 268 children fatherless, affecting virtually every family in Winter Quarters and Scofield. In spite of the disaster, the burning portion of the mine was sealed off and, after appropriate condolences to the families, surviving miners went back to work. The mines produced for another thirty years.

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Scofield Cemetary

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Entrance to Miller Canyon.

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Davis County, Antelope Island

View south from Buffalo Point, across white Rock Bay to Elephant Head.

Photographed 25 September 2022.

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Bison on Antelope Island.

Photographed 25 September 2022.

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Fielding Garr Ranch on Antelope Island.

Photographed 25 September 2022.

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View northeast to the mainland from the Visitor Center at Antelope Island.

Photographed 25 September 2022.

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Bison on Antelope Island.

Photographed 25 September 2022.

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Dinosaur National Monument

The quarry at Dinosaur National Monument.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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The Green River exits Split Mountain Canyon.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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The quarry building at Dinosaur National Monument.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Emery County

Beckwith Plateau from the side of US Highway 6.

Photographed 23 September 2022.

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Beckwith Plateau from Cedar Mountain Overlook

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Location map of Miller Canyon and the Emery Coal Fields

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  • Autecology of Desert Elkweed Frasera albomarginata S. Watson (Syn: Swertia a.) Gentianaceae in the American Southwest: near Scofield Res..
  • Emery County Road 912, "Millers Canyon to Willow Springs Wash Road.": Miller Canyon.


Beckwith Plateau as seen from the south, near Green River, Utah

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Small butte highlighted by sun through storm clouds.

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Tilted sediments at southeastern edge of San Rafael Swell

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

Notice the flat-lying sediments at right.

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View west off of Cedar Mountain.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

Cedar Mountain is the northern portion of the San Rafael Swell. Huntington and the Huntington Power Plant are in the left middleground.

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View north from Ghost Rock Rest Stop

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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US Interstate 70 on San Rafael Swell east of Ghost Rock Rest Stop

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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US Interstate 70 at Exit 116, the "Moore Cut Off Road"

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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View west on Moore Cut Off Road.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

Photograph taken from a ridge just above US Interstate 70.

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View east on Moore Cut Off Road.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

Looking east, up the west limb of the San Rafael swell anticline. US Interstate 70 is just over the ridge.

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View to south of San Rafael Swell from Cedar Mountain Overlook

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

View south-southwest. The canyon in the middleground contains the San Rafael River, crossing from west to east, right to left.

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Sheepherder in Castle Valley.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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San Rafael Swell, southeast edge, in the morning sun.

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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View across Huntington Reservoir in the early morning.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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General view of Mounds, Utah

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Article records that use this photograph:

  • Field Notes: 5-Jun-08 at Mounds.
  • Autecology of Desert Elkweed Frasera albomarginata S. Watson (Syn: Swertia a.) Gentianaceae in the American Southwest: near Mounds.


Mounds, Utah, on the Union Pacific Railroad.

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Profile of Beckwith Plateau seen from Woodside, Utah

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Green River Cut-Off Road

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

I'm pretty sure this is Emery County Road 401 (EM401). I was thinking of going up this road, but it was too muddy.

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Along Moore Cut Off Road

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Green River north of Green River

Photographed 20 June 2015.

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Beckwith Plateau seen from Amtrak

Photographed 22 December 2012.

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Western end of Escalante

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Escalante Outfitters, supplies and food

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Fremont Indian State Park

View of Five Finger Ridge across US I-70.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Petroglyph panel at Fremont Indian State Park.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Petroglyph panel at Fremont Indian State Park.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Garfield County

Hite Bridge from highway overlook.

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Hite from highway overlook.

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Colorado River just below the Hite bridge.

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Hite Bridge

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Boulder Creek below Utah Highway 12

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Interpretive plaque on the Second Powell Expedition

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Second Powell Expedition: Charting New Territory

Powell Point Recollections

“We still keep Table Mountain (Pink Point) to our left ... this singular mountain suggests a monster melon, sliced and standing on end. It is exactly the color of a ripe, red core; the pines that grow on ledges and benches, black specks at this distance, look like weeds.”

– Walter Clement Powell, member of the Second Powell Expedition of 1871, describing their ascent of the Blues Formation to the base of Powell Point.

The Topmost Stair

Powell Point reveals the topmost layer of the Colorado Plateau's Grand Staircase. This brilliantly colored layer, known as the Pink Cliffs or Claron Formation, is the same geologic layer that forms the spectacular, pinnacled landscape of Bryce Canyon National Park and Red Canyon, farther west on Highway 12.

Last Blank Spot on the Map

In 1871, this region was part of the last uncharted territory in the continental United States. That year, Major John Wesley Powell launched the Second Powell Expedition to explore and map this frontier, continuing the work he had begun three years earlier. Powell led the expedition safely through the wild waters of the Green and Colorado Rivers to the Paria River. He then instructed his brother-in-law Almon H. Thompson to lead the expedition overland to map what they called “the unknown country.” In 1872, expedition members climbed the slippery slopes of the badlands on which you now stand. Thompson then scaled the brilliant pink formation above you to view the surrounding country. Over the next four years, Thompson's explorations filled in this last blank spot on the U. S. map. In 1879, surveyor Clarence Dutton named this spectacular landmark “Powell Point,” in honor of Major Powell. Highway 12 now follows the 2nd Powell Expedition's exact route from Henrieville all the way to Head of the Rocks, east of Escalante.

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Interpretive plaque about the Kaiparowits Formation

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Digging for Dinosaurs: Treasure in These Hills

Why Here?

The Kaiparowits Formation's stunning fossil record results from a perfect combination of circumstances. First, during the Late Cretaceous, this region was a lush, subtropical, coastal plain where an enormous number and variety of animals lived. Second, abundant rivers and coastal storms moved great volumes of sand and mud, so animals that died were sometimes buried quickly, preserving their remains. Lastly, uplifting of the Colorado Plateau over the past 60 million years has brought this deeply buried treasure to the surface.

Scientific Frontier

In a region famed for once being the last unmapped frontier in the continental United States, the Kaiparowits Formation remains a largely unexplored frontier. By protecting the fossils of this formation through proper collection and study, Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument conserves a vast storehouse of knowledge available nowhere else on earth.

Kaiparowits Fossil Bonanza

There's treasure beneath your feet. Not of the gold-and-rubies variety, but rather a treasure of fossilized bones, eggshells, and other paleontological gems, buried in these gray rock formations some 73-77 million years ago. Known as the Kaiparowits Formation, these sedimentary rock layers lie at the top of what is perhaps the best and most continuous record of Late Cretaceous terrestrial life in the world.

Forty-foot long crocodiles, rhinoceros-like horned dinosaurs. tyrannosaurs, and velociraptors – all lived here. Scientists have surveyed only a small fraction of the Kaiparowits Formation, and have unearthed more than one hundred species of vertebrates. Excavations are revealing a long-lost ecosystem inhabited by a fantastic array of animals, including some of the earliest marsupial and placental mammals ever found. These disoveries are helping to explain the origins of our present world.

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Powell Point from the roadside near Tropic

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Table Cliff Plateau would be about a mile north (left) of Powell Point, but I am unable to make out the topographical break that would denote to beginning of Table Cliff Plateau.

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Powell Point from Utah Highway 12 (2017)

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Grand County

Interesting locations north of Moab

Map drawn August 31, 2009.

There are three interesting localities in this area 13 miles (20 km) north of Moab.

  1. There is a 1913 Marcus E. Jones collection of Frasera paniculata from "Courthouse Wash." From this location, Courthouse Wash descends southeast through Arches National Park, emptying into the Colorado River just north of Moab.
  2. Field Trip Stop 1-1 of Demko, et al., 2005, is at the northern pinch-out of lacustrine sediments of Mesozoic Lake T'oo'dichi'. The sediments are found in the Brushy Basin member of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic).
  3. Just west of the highway are paleosol collection sites in the Morrison and Cedar Mountain Formations used by Retallack in his 2009 study of greenhouse crises of the past 300 million years. Retallack used stomatal index data for fossil Ginko and related leaves as a proxy for past CO2 spikes and paleosol chemical data as proxies for temperature and humidity changes. These data show that global warming due to CO2 rise is a not a unique event in earth history and that the magnitude of the coming anthropogenic greenhouse pales in comparison with past greenhouse spikes at times of global mass extinctions.

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Highway 128 near Dewey, Colorado

Photographed October 7, 2017.

Location records that use this photograph:

  • Dewey, Grand County, Utah

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La Sal Mountains from the side of Highway 128

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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Interpretive panel for the Dinosaur Diamond

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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  • Cisco, Grand County, Utah

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Fisher Towers from Utah Highway 128

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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Unnamed butte near Rocky Rapids.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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Book Cliffs near Crescent Junction.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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East end of Cisco siding, near Cisco, Grand County, Utah.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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  • Cisco, Grand County, Utah

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The La Sal Mountains south of Crescent Junction.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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Point of rocks along the Colorado River.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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  • Dewey, Grand County, Utah

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Stand Up Paddleboards in Rocky Rapids.

Photographed October 7, 2017.

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Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument

Entrance to Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Interpretive sign for Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Information panel for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Photographed October 8, 2017.

Seen at a small, essentially unmarked, wayside stop in Glendale, Utah.

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Green River

Sunset across the Green River

Photographed 11 April 2017.

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La Sal Mountains

The La Sal Mountains in the late afternoon

Photograph taken August 26, 2003.

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Millard County

Road sign for U-Dig Fossils

Photograph taken 29 Jul 2011.

U-DIG Fossils
P.O. Box 1113 - Delta Utah 84624 - (435) 864-3638
U-DIG Fossils is a Fossil trilobite quarry
located 20 miles North of here.
Directional signs are placed along the way.
A variety of fossil trilobites are the most common fossils found.
U-DIG Fossils is open Monday-Saturday from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
The Quarry is clised on Sundays.
Customers must arrive at the quarry by 4 P.M.
The quarry will close at 4 P.M.
when no customers are at the quarry.
Also, bad weather will close the quarry.

Customers are given a hammer, bucket, and some assistance
to collect their fossil trilobites.

Prices for digging
$28.00 per 2 hours for adults (Minimum)
$16.00 per 2 hours for youth (ages 7-16)
Children 6 and under no charge with a paying Adult.
Prices are lower for those who want to stay a half or full day
Yes, it is worth your trip. Most people do very well.
Usually 2 hours will get you plenty of trilobites.

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Rainbow just south of Scipio

Photograph taken 29 Jul 2011.

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Miller Canyon

The mouth of Miller Canyon in the Coal Cliffs

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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US I-70 west from Miller Canyon

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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US I-70 east from Miller Canyon

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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County Road 912 at the top of Miller Canyon

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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Moab and Area

The Colorado River Exits Spanish Valley near Moab, Utah.

Photograph taken 27 August 2003.

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Morgan County, Morgan Valley

Mountains ahead on US I-84.

Photographed 1 May 2024.

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Salt Lake City

Organ concert in Temple Square.

Photograph taken August 17, 2003.

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San Juan County

Comb Creek from Highway 95

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

This view is looking northwest across Comb Creek onto the Monument Upwarp.

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Squaw and Papoose Rock from the northeast

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Squaw and Papoose Rock from the southwest.

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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View northwest (down) White Canyon

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

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Monocline west of Comb Ridge

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

This view looks north. We are seeing the eastern boundary of the Monument Upwarp. The upwarp is to the left (west) and the rocks exposed are the Permian Cutler Group (Demko, 2003). The cliffs of Comb Ridge to the right are the Jurassic Wingate, Kayenta, and Navajo Formations.

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Canyon near Alkali Creek.

Photograph taken June 3, 2008.

Looked here for Frasera albomarginata.

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Commerative sign about Battle of Paiute Pass

Photograph taken June 4, 2008.

Battle of Paiute Pass
On July 15, 1884, a U. S. Calvary scout named Joseph S. Wormington and a cowboy names James "Rowdy" Higgins were killed in a battle with indians at nearby Paiute Pass. These men were part of a posse of cattlemen and Sixth Calvary - F - troop soldiers from Fort Lewis, Colorado who were chasing a band of renegade Ute and Paiute indians led by Mancos Jim. The indians had stolen 150 head of horses from the round-up grounds in Verdure, Utah. After a 75 mile chase the Utes and Paiutes led the possee and soldiers into an ambush. Two months after the battle, prospectors Cass Hite and Joe Duckett found and buried the remains. The Utes and Paiutes were watching the U. S. Government absorb their homelands. They fought back in the only way they knew how. The soldier gave his life in the service of his country. The cowboy did the tough job he was paid to do and a little more. All of them played out their heroic roles in this epoch struggle to settle the old west.

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About 2/3 of the way to the top.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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Mexican Hat Rock, just north of the town of Mexican Hat.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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Mexican Hat Rock, from the edge of town.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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Valley of the Gods from Cedar Mesa at the top of the Moki Dugway

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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Valley of the Gods from the Moki Dugway.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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San Juan River in Mexican Hat.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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Cedar Mesa above Valley of the Gods, Moki Dugway circled.

Photographed 20 April 2017.

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San Rafael Swell

San Rafael Swell.

Photograph taken in August 2003.

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Eagle Canyon from the associated overlook.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Black Dragon Canyon on east slope of San Rafael Swell.

Photographed 12 April 2017. The flat in the middle distance is Jackass Benches.

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Eastern edge of San Rafael Swell.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Eastern edge of San Rafael Swell.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Cell phone tower on mesa near Miller Canyon.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

Was looking for Frasera albomarginata on this mesa.

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Emery, Utah, from mesa to the southeast.

Photographed 12 April 2017.

Was looking for Frasera albomarginata on this mesa.

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US I-70 descends through Spotted Wolf Canyon

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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Entrance to Spotted Wolf Canyon on Interstate 70

Photographed 12 April 2017.

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Sevier County

Paradise Valley from the north

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Paradise Valley from the south

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Sevier River Valley

Courthouse at Junction

Photographed 23 January 2015.

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Tooele County

Bonneville Salt Flats.

Photographed 2 May 2024.

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View east from Grassy Mountain Rest Stop.

Photographed 2 May 2024.

Mountains on right are the Cedar Mountains. Those on the left are the Lakeside Mountains.

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View east from Grassy Mountain Rest Stop.

Photographed 2 May 2024.

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View west from Grassy Mountain Rest Stop.

Photographed 2 May 2024.

The hills in the distance are the Knolls.

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Salt flats.

Photographed 2 May 2024.

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Uintah County

North end of Scofield Reservoir.

Photograph taken June 5, 2008.

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Utah, Beaver County

View east to Milford and the Mineral Mountains

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Wah Wah Springs south of the highway.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Looking west near Wah Wah Summit.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Looking east near Wah Wah Summit.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Frasera albomarginata location near Wah Wah Summit.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Wah Wah Mountains across Pine Valley, Utah

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Location west of Wah Wah Summit where Frasera albomarginata was found.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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View just west of Wah Wah Summit

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Utah, Emery County

Probable Location of Summerville Point, Emery County, Utah

Location suggested per personal communication with Dennis Udink (www.udink.org) and Gary Wulfenstein (www.sanrafaelswell.org).

This map with a wider scope is available at: http://www.schweich.com/images/UTEmeSummervillePt.pdf .

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  • Emery County Route 401, "Green River Cut-Off," Emery County, Utah: 72000.


Up the road from the Frasera albomarginata locality.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Down the road from the Frasera albomarginata locality.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

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Utah, Garfield County

View of the Straight Cliffs near Escalante

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View north toward Boulder

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Calf Creek from UT Hwy 12.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View of Boulder from south.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Harris Wash Road junction

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View along the Burr Trail Road

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View of Long Canyon from the lower end

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Interpretive sign for the Burr Trail Road

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

John Atlantic Burr's Cattle Trail
Trail of Many Uses
"Coming up through there, the sand was bad enough that you'd back up and take a run on it and maybe you's make twenty feet, maybe you'd make a hundred. Then you'd have to back up, you know, and get another run, ... keep breaking the track. And we did, we crawled right up out of there."

-- Lincoln Lyman, Boulder resident and road builder commenting on the Burr Trail before the road was built.

The Burr Trail Road was originally used to move cattle from the Acquarius Plateau on Boulder Mountain to Bullfrog Basin, near the Colorado River. In the 1880s, John Atlantic Burr built it for this purpose, and thus it became known as the "Burr Trail."

The Burr Trail Road links the town of Boulder with Capitol Reef National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Ara. It follows a natural corridor of exposed rock formations through Long Canyon, Circle Cliffs, and the Waterpocket Fold. As you travel along the road, note the sheer Wingate Formation that stretches vertically toward the sky, and the alcoves and arches that are slowly being created by erosion. Today the study of geology is a primary focus of the Burr Trail area in the Monument.

Seeking Fortunes in the Wilderness
Extractive Exploration
The Burr Trail evolved into a road in the late 1940s, when it served as the main corridor for mineral exploration. Claims to oil, coal and uranium were made by local residents and by companiesfrom around the country. Seemingly overnight, the population in nearby towns grew, and newly-built wood houses were filled with employees of the mines and their families.

The mines were scattered across the landscape. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is currently surveying and reclaiming the abandoned mines and hazardous sites, working in partnership with the State of Utah and other government agencies.

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Entrance to Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Wide Hollow Reservoir near Escalante Petrified Forest State Park.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Summit on Utah Highway 12

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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Powell Point from Utah Highway 12

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

I believe the gray cliffs compose the area known as "The Blues."

Near this location is a paleosol collection site in the Upper Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation used by Retallack in his 2009 study of greenhouse crises of the past 300 million years. Retallack used stomatal index data for fossil Ginko and related leaves as a proxy for past CO2 spikes and paleosol chemical data as proxies for temperature and humidity changes. These data show that global warming due to CO2 rise is a not a unique event in earth history and that the magnitude of the coming anthropogenic greenhouse pales in comparison with past greenhouse spikes at times of global mass extinctions.

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Interpretive sign at highway viewpoint.

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

A Landmark in History
John Wesley Powell ... The name alone invokes thoughts of adventure, bravery, exploration, and men pitted against nature. Powell expeditions of 1869-1872 on the Green and Colorado Rivers have sparked the imaginations of readers and river runners for more than a hundred years.
Powell's explorations were more than adventures. They provided valuable information about unmapped regions. Powell Point was used as a landmark survey point by the Powell Expedition. Powell Point dominates the landscape, rising 10,188 feet above sea level.

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Hole-in-the-Rock Scenic Byway

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

Hole-in-the-Rock Scenic Byway
It took pioneers 6 weeks to travel this route, but today you can drive in approsimately 6 hours. Drive the forgotten route to famous Hole-in-the-Rock located on the cliffs high above Lake Powell.
An Impossible Trek
In 1879 the Mormon Church formed the San Juan Mission to colonize southeastern Utah. Over 200 people responded to the call and gathered in Escalante to pioneer a direct route to the San Juan Country.
With 83 wagons and hundreds of head of livestock they traveled over seemingly impassible terrain to fulfill their mission. The most notable feat was the cutting of a road down Hole-in-the-Rock a narrow notch in the 1,200 foot cliff above the Colorado River.
Building the road down Hole-in-the-Rock required six weeks. The entire 270 mile journey, which ended at present day Bluff, Utah, took six months.
Hole-in-the-Rock Scenic Backway takes you into a very remote and beautiful area. Because of the remoteness, travellers are advised to take plenty of water and a full tank of gas. This road may be impassable when wet. If you are unsure, please check with the Escalante Interagency Office before proceeding.
55 miles to Hole-in-the-Rock, high-clearance vehicle required last 5 miles.

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Utah, Garfield County, Left Hand Collet Canyon

Left Hand Collet Canyon from Hole in the Rock Road

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Left Hand Collet Canyon near its mouth.

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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View of lower Left Hand Collet Canyon

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Looking down Left Hand Collet Canyon

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Small cove in lower Left Hand Collet Canyon

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

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Utah, Iron County

View north on Utah Highway 21

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

Minersville is at the base of the Mineral Mountains in the right distance.

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View of farm along Utah Highway 21.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

Black Point is at extreme right.

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Utah, Kane County

Grosvenor Arch

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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View north from Cottonwood Canyon Road

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

I think the reef in the middleground is Wiggler Bench. Powell Point is in the center distance.

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View of Kodachrome Basin

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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View of Kodachrome Basin

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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Reef (limb of a monocline) in Cads Crotch

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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Point of rocks near the south end of Cottonwood Canyon Road.

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

This point of rocks does not seem to have a name.

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Portion of Cads Crotch

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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Utah, Millard County

Warm Point

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Utah, Panguitch

Unable to form link string for "images/PANGUICT.GIF" because of file extension. Map of the roads near Panguitch, Utah.

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Utah, San Juan County

Which way to go? Junction of Fortknocker Canyon and Jacks Loop Roads

Photograph taken 6-Jun-08.

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Location of the real Horse Tanks Road, San Juan County, Utah

Map drawn 21 September 2008.

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Map showing collections of Frasera albomarginata near Squaw and Papoose Rock

Map drawn 15 September 2008.

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Utah, Washington County

View back down Oak Grove Road.

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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View toward top of Pine Valley Mountains

Photograph taken June 8, 2008.

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View Mount Trumbull Loop Road from end of River Road.

Photograph taken June 9, 2008.

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Virgin River

Virgin River Gorge Recreation Area, Washington County, Utah

Photograph taken May 30, 2005.

We stopped for lunch at the Virgin River Gorge Recreation Area, where we watched some rafters launch their raft. Even though it was early in the season, this location was very dry and quite hot.

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Virgin River in its gorge, near the upper end.

Photograph taken May 30, 2005.

While driving through the Virgin River Gorge, I watched for a place to stop and take an interesting photo. Unfortunately, there are very few places to stop, and many places are signed "No Stopping." By the time we stopped here, we were nearly through the gorge, and there wasn't much interesting to see here.

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Washington County

Stand of blackbrush.

Photographed in September 1998, scanned from a slide in 2023.

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Wayne County

View southeast into South Desert and Capitol Reef National Park.

Photograph taken June 6, 2008.

The Henry Mountains are in the distance.

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View across Well Draw in the direction of Capitol Reef and Boulder Mountain.

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Rocks near The Notch

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Hollow Mountain Gas Station

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Capitol Reef with Boulder Mountain in the background

Photographed October 8, 2017.

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Zion National Park

Somewhere in Zion National Park.

Photographed in May 1998.

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Tom somewhere in Zion National Pak

Photographed in May 1998.

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Looking southwest along US I-15 near Kolob Canyons.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005.

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Cheryl and Tom at the Kolob Canyons Overlook.

Photograph taken May 31, 2005.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:51:59 PM