Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Archeology

By Tom Schweich

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Geography - Idaho
Geography - Park County, CO
Geography - Summit County, CO
Geography - Arizona
Geography - British Columbia
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Geography - California's Colorado Desert
Geography - Mono Lake Basin, California
Geography - Mono County, California
Geography - San Luis Obispo County, California
Geography - Marin County, California
Geography - Santa Clara County
Geography - Central Mojave
Geography - New Mexico
Geography - Eastern Mojave
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Geography - Chaffee County, CO
Geography - Douglas County, CO
Geography - Gilpin County, CO
Geography - Golden, Colorado
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Geography - North Table Mountain, Jefferson Cty, CO
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Economic Geology
Salvia dorrii
Frasera albomarginata
Species - Polygonaceae
Species - Brassicaceae
Species - Brassicaceae, Physaria vitulifera
Species - Rosaceae
Species - Fabaceae
Species - Onagraceae
Species - Polemoniaceae
Species - Boraginaceae
Species - Plantaginaceae
Species - Asteraceae
Species - Poaceae
Customer Satisfaction
New York
Christmas 2002
Family Photos
Family Documents
Family Photos 2003
Art of Lydia Schweich
Geography - Germany

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Field Trips

Field trip stop and lunch break at Cave Spring, near Avawatz Pass.

During a field trip stop and lunch break at Cave Spring, near Avawatz Pass, this group from the 1998 Desert Research Symposium has a discussion of the archeological resources of the Fort Irwin area.

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Mining Artifacts

Old waterpipe in the wash at Furnace Creek.

Photograph taken 11-May-07.

This old waterpipe was made by wrapping sheet iron into a spiral and riveting it. I has been washed down to this location in the wash of Furnace Creek from somewhere up above.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Furnace Creek Road, Mono County California: 28000.



Pictograph at archeological site in Wild Horse Canyon.

Pictographs are painted on the rocks with pigments, while petroglyphs are designed pecked into rocks.

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Pictograph at SBr-291

Photograph taken May 22, 2004.

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Jake contemplates the meaning of life from "Re-Birth Rock."

Photograph taken May 22, 2004.

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Archeological site in lower Wild Horse Canyon.

This archeological site in lower Wild Horse Canyon is formed inside a hollowed-out boulder of welded tuff. The hollow weathering features are called "tafoni." They are common in rocks of this type (fine-grained, acid composition) and this climate (arid to semi-arid). Both petroglyphs and pictographs are found here.

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Petroglyphs inside the hollowed-out boulder.

The petroglyph in the center has received a lot of attention by potential interpreters of petroglyphs.

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Archeological site SBr-292.

This rock shelter in Wild Horse Canyon is known as archeological site SBr-292. It has been pretty well studied so there are no artifacts to find, though. Unique to this site are the trees at low elevation in the canyon. There are Pinyons (Pinus monophylla) and Canyon Live Oaks (Quercus crysolepis) growing in the northwest shade provided by outcrops of mud flow breccia.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:07:54 PM