Eastern Mojave Vegetation Note accompanying article in KC Times.  


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  Note accompanying article in KC Times.

Sat up and took notice when I saw this in K. C. Times. Somebody at Star must have remembered you.

Ruby was over last Sun. for dinner and we took a ride afterward. She seemed to enjoy it. Looks awfully thin. Do hope she gets a day job. I told her thought she should. She doesn't eat right or get out enough when she works at night, then it affects her mentally.

I told her that she hadn't been like herself since she had that night job. Worse than working in day time - even though she didn't think so.

The Wilson family in for dinner last night. Also Clark. Quite a job but we wnjoy it. All about over the chicken pox.


Article records that use this photograph:

  • Field Notes: 1947.

Other photos about Kansas or Unclassified.


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