Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1014, Geranium richardsonii |
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Photographed 22 February 2015. Coll. No. 1014, 22 July 2013, characters observed while keyed: Perennial, herbaceous, green & photosynthetic, to 60 cm.; Leaves, simple, palmately lobed, into 5-7 lobes, largest 44–57 mm. × 87–96 mm. wide, petioles 17–19 mm.; Inflorescence (cymules!) 2-flowered; Pedicels, 9–15 mm., hairs topped with purple glands (per Taylor, 2010); Flowers, open, radial, bisexual, in 5×n parts; Perianth, 2 whorls; Petals, 5, free, hairy ≤½ adaxial surface, 15 mm. × 7 mm. wide, white; tips rounded; Nectaries, not wooly or lanate (per TJM2 & Aedo, 2012), but few small straight hairs, without tuft of hairs on top; Stamens, 10, 2×petals; Ovary superior; Pistil 1; Stigmas, (in fruit) 3–4 mm.; Mericarp with basal callus.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 8/26/2024 3:12:53 PM |