Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 934, Allium campanulatum  


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  Alliaceae Allium campanulatum
Photographed 3 March 2015.

Coll. No. 934, 20 May 2013, characters observed while “keying:” Perennial, 15 cm., from bulb; Bulb, 13 mm., ovoid; Leaves, 1–3, withered at flowering; Flowers 18; Perianth, 7-8 mm., keeled, tip margins in-rolled, no special coloration at adaxial base, papery in fruit. Between A. bisceptrum and A. campanulatum, I went with the latter on the strength of leaves withered in flower, perianth keeled and tip margins in-rolled, and ignored perianth papery in fruit, and absence of a basal adaxial purple crescent.

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