Eastern Mojave Vegetation Vivero "La Menara"  


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Just up the street from the "polvero" was the "Vivero La Menara" or nursery. This was a very good one, with both fresh and mature stock. They had several species of what we would call "locust trees," but none that I would identify as the Robinia pseudo-acacia that we plant in the US. One tree was listed as a “Catalpa” but not otherwise identified as to species. I was interested in the Catalpa because the Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) that I see in the Eastern Mojave may be in the same genus depending upon what is meant by “Catalpa.” I think also that the tree stock in the nurseries is much more mature that those a US nursery sells, perhaps 7-8 years, and heavily pruned, whereas I think US nurseries mostly sell younger trees that have not been pruned.

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