Eastern Mojave Vegetation Collection No. 767, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi  


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  Fabaceae Astragalus whitneyi whitneyi
Photograph taken 20 June 2011 at a location high on the Horseshoe Canyon Moraine.

Coll. No. 767, 20 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial not densely hairy; Stipules connate into a sheath; Leaf hairs simple, appressed; Leaflets of mid-cauline leaves < 23 (Obs: 11, 13, 17), not spiny; Pedicel 1 mm; Calyx 5 mm, base symmetric, pedicel attached ħmiddle; Fruit young glabrous and stipitate (has a stalk), red mottling visible on very young pods.

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