Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1539, Verbesina encelioides |
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Photographed 20 January 2017. North Table Mountain Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lower north slopes of North Table Mountain at the fenceline of the Williams parcel, 0.88 km. southeast of the Mesa Spur trailhead on W. 58th Avenue, 4.7 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.796°N, 105.2054°W. WGS 1984. Elev. 1840 m. On edge of private horse pasture. Coll. No. 1539, 18 August 2016, characters observed: Annual/perennial not observed, but described as annual; Stem, densely strigose; Leaves, cauline, alternate, petiole 48 mm. + blade 80 mm. × 40 mm. wide, reduced above, lanceolate, margin coarsely toothed, adaxial sparsely strigose, abaxial densely strigose; Heads, 7 mm. × 13 mm. wide, borne singly, on peduncles 6-43 mm.; Phyllaries, 1 series, 7 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, strigose abaxially; Receptacle, conical, paleate; Flowers, 2 kinds, Rays, #12, tube 2 mm. + laminae 15 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, yellow, sterile; Disk flowers, corolla, 3.5 mm., yellow; Pappus, [2 awns,] 1 mm.; Cypsela, 3.5 mm., strigose.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:40 PM |