Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1875, Vicia villosa |
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Photographed 13 November 2018. Coll. No. 1875, 24 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial, herb, sprawling through the smooth brome, to 50 cm.; Leaves, compound, stipules, 13 mm. × 3 mm. wide, 2-lobed, petiole, 0, blade, 75 mm. × 28 mm. wide, leaflets, #13-15, 20 mm. × 4 mm. wide, linear-elliptic, terminal leaflet a tendril, forked, #3-4, hairs, straight; Inflorescence, raceme, secund, flowers, #±20; Calyx, tube 3 mm. + lobes 4 mm., narrow, hairs simple; Flower, zygomorphic, white to dark blue, banner, 16 mm., reflexed ¾, wings, 14 mm., clawed, dark blue, keel, 11 mm., tip obtuse; Style, ring of hairs below stigma, 0.6 mm.; Fruit, (immature) 5 mm. × 0.8 mm wide, lanceolate, glabrous.
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Other photos about Species - Fabaceae or Vicia villosa.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:52 PM |