Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 1043, Arctostaphylos patula  


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  Ericaceae Arctostaphylos patula
Scanned 26 April 2015.

Coll. No. 1043, 3 Oct 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial shrub, >1 m. tall, burl unknown, sprouting after fire unknown; Stems, bark reddish, smooth; Twigs, pubescent with gold-tipped hairs; Leaves, alternate, green, ±shiny, surfaces generally same color, lightly covered with small gold-tipped hairs, ovate to elliptic, 35 mm. × 23 mm. wide, base truncate to rounded, margin entire, tip obtuse, petiole 6 mm., covered with gold-tipped hairs; Inflorescence, nascent infl. pendent; Flowers unknown; Fruit unknown.

Plant typically of high Sierra Nevada (SNH) in this region, collected frequently in Mammoth Lakes area. This is possibly the first collection from the Mono Lake basin.

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