Eastern Mojave Vegetation Ronda Peridotite  

Tom Schweich  

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Literature Cited
 (No Preface)
  The Ronda massif is the largest surface exposure of peridotite on Earth. All three peridotite facies (garnet, spinel, and plagioclase) are represented within the 300 km2 outcrop.

Literature Cited:
- Tubía, J. M. and J. Cuevas, 1986.  

High-temperature emplacement of the Los Reales peridotite nappe (Betic Cordillera, Spain).

Literature Cited:
- Loomis, T. H., 1972.  

Diapiric emplacement of the Ronda high-temperature ultramafic intrusion, southern Spain.

Literature Cited:
- Lundeen, M. T., 1978.

Locations: Sierra Bermeja.  

Emplacement of the Ronda peridotite, Sierra Bermeja, Spain

Literature Cited:
- Obata, M., 1980.  

The Ronda peridotite: Garnet-, spinel-, and plagioclase-lherzolite facies and the P-T trajectories of a high-temperature mantle intrusion.

Literature Cited:
- Platt, J. P., and R. L. M. Vissers, 1989.  

Extensional collapse of thickened continental lithosphere: A working hypothesis for the Alboran Sea and Gibraltar arc.

Literature Cited:
- Reisberg, L., A. Zindler, and E. Jagoutz, 1989.  

Further Sr and Nd isotopic results from peridotites of the Ronda Ultramafic Complex.

Literature Cited:
- Zeck, H. P., P. Monié, I. M. Villa and B. T. Hansen., 1992.  

Very high rates of cooling and uplift in the Alpine belt of the Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain.

Literature Cited:
- Davies, G. R., P. H. Nixon, D. G. Pearson, and M. Obata, 1993.  

Tectonic implications of graphitized diamonds from the Ronda peridotite massif.

Literature Cited:
- Van der Wal, Dirk, and Reinoud L. M. Vissers, 1993.

Locations: Los Reales de Sierra Bermeja. Sierra Bermeja.
Full Size ImageView of the Sierra Bermeja from the A-377 between San Luis de Sabinillas and Casares.  

Uplift and emplacement of upper mantle rocks in the western Mediterranean

Literature Cited:
- Van der Wal, D., and R. L. M. Vissers, 1996.  

Structural petrology of the Ronda peridotite.

Literature Cited:
- Van del Wal, D., and J. L. Bodinier, 1996.  

Origin of the recrystallisation front in the Ronda peridotite by km-pervasive porous melt flow.

Literature Cited:
- de Jong, Koen, H. P. Zeck, P. Monié and I. M. Villa, 1992.  

Comment and Reply on "Very high rates of cooling and uplift in the Alpine belt of the Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain".

Literature Cited:
- Balanyá, J. C., V. Garciá-Dueñas, and J. M. Azañón, 1997.  

Alternating contractional and extensional events in the Alpujarride nappes of the Alboran domain.

Literature Cited:
- Tubía, J. M., J. Cuevas, and J. I. Gil Ibarguchi, 1997.  

Sequential development of the metamorphic aureole beneath the Ronda peridotites and it bearing on the tectonic evolution of the Betic Cordillera

Literature Cited:
- Argles, T. W., J. P. Platt, and D. J. Waters, 1999.

Locations: Carratraca Massif.  

Attenuation and excision of a crustal section during extensional exhumation: The Carratraca massif, southern Spain.

Literature Cited:
- Morales, J., I. Serrano, A. Jabaloy, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, D. Zhao, F. Torcal, F. Vidal, and F. González-Lodeiro., 1999.  

Active continental subduction beneath the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Sea.

Literature Cited:
- Sánchez-Rodríguez, L., and D. Gebauer., 2000.  

Mesozoic formation of pyroxenites and gabbros in the Ronda area (southern Spain), followed by early Miocene subduction metamorphism and emplacement into the middle crust: U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating of zircon.

Literature Cited:
- Esteban, J. J., J. Cuevas, J. M. Tubía, and I. Yusta, 2003.  

Xonotlite in rodingite assemblages from the Ronda peridotites, Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain.

Literature Cited:
- Tubía, J. M., J. Cuevas, and J. J. Esteban, 2004.

Locations: Sierra de Aguas. Sierra de la Robla.  

Tubia et al., examined the foliations of the Carratraca massif (Sierra de Aguas and Sierra de la Robla) that supports the injection of hot asthenosphere into older into older and cooler lithospheric mantle during the emplacement of the Ronda Peridotite.




Literature Cited

  A list of all literature cited by this web site can be found in the Bibliography.
  Argles, T. W., J. P. Platt, and D. J. Waters. 1999. Attenuation and excision of a crustal section during extensional exhumation" The Carratraca massif, southern Spain. Geological Society [London] Journal. 156: 149-162. {TAS-pdf}
  Balanyá, J. C., V. Garciá-Dueñas, and J. M. Azañón. 1997. Alternating contractional and extensional events in the Alpujarride nappes of the Alboran domain (Betics, Gibraltar Arc). Tectonics. 16: 226-238.
  Davies, G. R., P. H. Nixon, D. G. Pearson, and M. Obata. 1993. Tectonic implications of graphitized diamonds from the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain. Geology. 21: 471-474. {TAS-pdf}
  de Jong, Koen, H. P. Zeck, P. Monié and I. M. Villa. 1992. Comment and Reply on "Very high rates of cooling and uplift in the Alpine belt of the Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain". Geology. 20: 1052-1054.
  Esteban, J. J., J. Cuevas, J. M. Tubía, and I. Yusta. 2003. Xonotlite in rodingite assemblages from the Ronda peridotites, Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain. Canadian Mineralogist. 41: 161-170.
  Loomis, T. H. 1972. Diapiric emplacement of the Ronda high-temperature ultramafic intrusion, southern Spain. GSA Bulletin. 83: 2475-2496.
  Lundeen, M. T. 1978. Emplacement of the Ronda peridotite, Sierra Bermeja, Spain. GSA Bulletin. 89: 172-180. {TAS-pdf}
  Morales, J., I. Serrano, A. Jabaloy, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, D. Zhao, F. Torcal, F. Vidal, and F. González-Lodeiro. 1999. Active continental subduction beneath the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Sea. Geology. 27: 735-738. {TAS-pdf}
  Obata, M. 1980. The Ronda peridotite: Garnet-, spinel-, and plagioclase-lherzolite facies and the P-T trajectories of a high-temperature mantle intrusion. Journal of Petrology. 21: 533-572.
  Platt, J. P., and R. L. M. Vissers. 1989. Extensional collapse of thickened continental lithosphere: A working hypothesis for the Alboran Sea and Gibraltar arc. Geology. 17: 540-543. {TAS-pdf}
  Reisberg, L., A. Zindler, and E. Jagoutz. 1989. Further Sr and Nd isotopic results from peridotites of the Ronda Ultramafic Complex. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 96: 161-180.
  Sánchez-Rodríguez, L., and D. Gebauer. 2000. Mesozoic formation of pyroxenites and gabbros in the Ronda area (southern Spain), followed by early Miocene subduction metamorphism and emplacement into the middle crust: U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe dating of zircon. Tectonophysics. 316: 19-44.
  Tubía, J. M. and J. Cuevas. 1986. High-temperature emplacement of the Los Reales peridotite nappe (Betic Cordillera, Spain). Journal of Structural Geology. 8: 473-482.
  Tubía, J. M., J. Cuevas, and J. J. Esteban. 2004. Tectonic evidence in the Ronda peridotites, Spain, for mantle diapirism related to delamination. Geology. 32(11):941-944. {TAS-pdf}
  Tubía, J. M., J. Cuevas, and J. I. Gil Ibarguchi. 1997. Sequential development of the metamorphic aureole beneath the Ronda peridotites and it bearing on the tectonic evolution of the Betic Cordillera. Tectonophysics. 279: 227-252.
  Van der Wal, Dirk, and Reinoud L. M. Vissers. 1993. Uplift and emplacement of upper mantle rocks in the western Mediterranean. Geology. 21: 1119-1122. {TAS-pdf}
  Van der Wal, D., and R. L. M. Vissers. 1996. Structural petrology of the Ronda peridotite. Journal of Petrology. 37: 23-43.
  Van del Wal, D., and J. L. Bodinier. 1996. Origin of the recrystallisation front in the Ronda peridotite by km-pervasive porous melt flow. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 122: 387-405.
  Zeck, H. P., P. Monié, I. M. Villa and B. T. Hansen. 1992. Very high rates of cooling and uplift in the Alpine belt of the Betic Cordilleras, southern Spain. Geology. 20: 79-82. {TAS-pdf}
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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:47:35 PM