Eastern Mojave Vegetation Emigrant Trail, Fremont County, Wyoming  

Tom Schweich  

Home Page  A fragment of the Emigrant Trail.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   4 Sept 2018;
• Oregon Buttes Road:   at Emigrant Trl;
Full Size ImageInterpretive panel for Oregon Buttes  

Junction: Oregon Buttes Road

Oregon Buttes

To the south stand the Oregon Buttes, a major trail landmark. The name is significant because the Buttes were roughly the beginning of the Oregon Territory and also helped keep emigrants encouraged, even though there were still hundreds of miles of rough going ahead. Today, the Oregon Buttes are an Area of Critical Environmental Concern because of their cultural significance and important wildlife values.
About twelve miles to the soutwest of Oregon Buttes is the Tri-Territory site. This site is the location where the Oregon Territory, Mexican Territory, and Louisiana Purchase has a common boundary. The large landmark, just to the south of w[h]ere you are standing, is Pacific Butte. The great height and mass of the butte, combined with a ridge to the north paralleling the emigrant trails, helps to create a visual channel through which travelers migrated on their way through South Pass.



Literature Cited:
- Tyrrell, Pat, n. d..

Other articles:
• Field Notes:   4 Sept 2018;
• Wyoming Transbasin Water Transfer:  20110;  20130;

Locations: Summit of the Original South Pass.  

South Pass

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Marker at South Pass.
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Marker for Old Oregon Trail.
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The view west.
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The view east
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A ditch carries Sweetwater River water across the continental divide.
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South Pass
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Interpretive panel for South Pass.
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How water gets diverted from the Sweetwater River.

South Pass

South Pass was discovered in 1812 by a small party of Astorians led by Robert Stuart as they traveled east with dispatches for John Jacob Astor. It was “rediscovered” in 1824 by a party led by Jedediah Smith as they searched for a winter crossing through the Wind River Mountain Range. William Sublette led a small caravan of wagons to South Pass in 1828. While the party did not take the wagons over the pass, they proved that wagon travel was possible.
Captain Benjamin Bonneville took the first wagons over South Pass into the Green River Basin in 1832. But it wa Lt. John Charles Fremont who would be credited with widely publicizing the route over South Pass as a result of his expedition in 1842. Scattered references to the easy passage over the Rocky Mountains has appeared in newspapers for a decade, but Fremont ignited enthusiasm for South Pass by explaining that a traveler could go th[r]ough the pass without any “toilsome ascents.”
With the discovery of South Pass, the great western migration began. Thousands of Mormons, future Oregonians and Californians would use the trail in the following twenty years.
Donated by the Trans Sierra Alliance, E. Clampus Vitus
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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:06:36 PM