An old road that crosses the CSM Survey Field from north to south.
Other articles:
• Water Tank Road:
at old road;
Junction: Water Tank Road
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cirsium arvense;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1200, 12 Jul 2015;
Coll. No. 1202, 12 Jul 2015;
Coll. No. 1203, 12 Jul 2015;
Coll. No. 1488, 6 Jul 2016;
Coll. No. 1200, Cirsium arvense
Coll. No. 1203, Juncus bufonius
 Coll. No. 1488, Scirpus pallidus |
Watercourse (apparently from a natural spring).
Other articles:
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1201, 12 Jul 2015;
Coll. No. 1201, Monarda fistulosa
Just south of watercourse.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Leucocrinum montanum;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1303, 9 Apr 2016;
Habitat of Leucocrinum montanum and Townsendia hookeri in the Survey Field.
Leucocrinum montanum on an old alluvial ridge in the Survey Field.
 Leucocrinum montanum on an old alluvial ridge in the Survey Field. |
 Coll. No. 1303, Leucocrinum montanum in the Survey Field. |
Small draw, alluvial ridge to the east.
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Date and time this article was prepared:
2/4/2025 11:47:39 AM