![]() | Morrison Creek, Jefferson County, Colorado. |
Gazetteer Query: G.N.I.S.
Tributary to Buffalo Creek.
Articles that refer to this location:
Area Plant Lists that contain this location: Species collected at or near this location. This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.
Bryophyta Bryophyte. (TAS) Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. Field Horsetail (TAS) Apiaceae Osmorhiza depauperata Phil. Blunt-Fruit Sweet-Cicely (TAS) Pseudocymopterus montanus (A. Gray) J. M. Coult. & Rose. Alpine False Springparsley (TAS+Obs) Asteraceae Anthemideae Achillea millefolium L. Common Yarrow (Obs) Astereae Chrysopsidinae Heterotheca foliosa (Nutt.) Shinners. Hairy False Goldenaster (TAS) Conyzinae Erigeron eximius Greene. Splendid Daisy, Sprucefir Fleabane (TAS) Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.) DC. Aspen Fleabane (TAS) Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb. ex Porter & Britton. Threenerve Daisy (TAS) Solidagininae Solidago missouriensis Nutt. Missouri Goldenrod (TAS) Symphyotrichinae Symphyotrichum porteri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom. Smooth White Aster (TAS) Gnaphalieae Antennaria rosea Greene. Rosy Pussytoes (TAS) Heliantheae Rudbeckiinae Rudbeckia hirta L. pulcherrima Farw. Black-Eyed Susan (TAS) Rudbeckia laciniata L. ampla (A. Nelson) Cronquist. Cut-Leaf Coneflower. (TAS) Madieae Arnicinae Arnica cordifolia Hook. Heart-Leaf Leopardbane (TAS) Senecioneae Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve. Fendler’s Ragwort (TAS) Betulaceae Betula occidentalis Hook. Water Birch (TAS) Boraginaceae Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I. M. Johnst. Many-Flowered Stickseed (TAS) Oreocarya virgata (Porter) Greene. Miner"s Candle (Obs) Brassicaceae Arabis pycnocarpa M. Hopkins pycnocarpa. Cream Flower Rockcress (TAS) Campanulaceae Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell (Obs) Caprifoliaceae Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Spreng. Twinberry Honeysuckle (TAS) Caryophyllaceae Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb. saxosa (A. Gray) Zarucchi, R. L. Hartman & Rabeler. Spreading Sandwort (TAS) Stellaria longipes Goldie longipes. Longstalk Starwort (TAS) Crassulaceae Sedum lanceolatum Torr. Spearleaf Stonecrop (Obs) Ericaceae Orthilia secunda (L.) House. Sidebells Wintergreen (TAS) Pyrola chlorantha Sw. Green-Flowered Wintergreen (TAS) Fabaceae Lupinus argenteus Pursh fulvomaculatus (Payson) Barneby. Lodgepole Lupine (TAS) Gentianaceae Frasera speciosa Griseb. Elkweed (Obs) Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner acuta (Michx.) J. M. Gillett. Autumn Dwarf Gentian (TAS) Geraniaceae Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv. Richardson's Geranium (TAS) Grossulariaceae Ribes inerme Rydb. White Stem Gooseberry (Obs) Hydrangeaceae Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray americana. Fivepetal Cliffbush (TAS) Lamiaceae Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. American Dragonhead (TAS) Monarda fistulosa L. Wild Bergamot (Obs) Onagraceae Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub. Fireweed (TAS) Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray. Crownleaf Evening Primrose. Hierba de San Juan. (TAS) Orobanchaceae Castilleja integra A. Gray. Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush (TAS) Pedicularis canadensis L. Canadian Lousewort (TAS) Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E. Grant collina (Greene) Wilken & Allard. Scarlet Gilia (TAS) Primulaceae Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. Beautiful Shootingstar (TAS) Ranunculaceae Aconitum columbianum Nutt. Columbian Monkshood (TAS) Aquilegia coerulea E. James. Colorado Blue Columbine (TAS) Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray. Fendler's Meadow Rue (TAS) Rosaceae Fragaria vesca L. Woodland Strawberry (TAS) Geum macrophyllum Willd. perincisum (Rydb.) Raup. Large-leaf Avens (TAS) Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. microphyllus (Rydb.) Jeps. Ocean Spray (TAS+Obs) Potentilla hippiana Lehm. hippiana. Wooly Cinquefoil (TAS) Physocarpus monogynus (Torr.) J.M. Coult. Mountain Ninebark (TAS) Rubus pubescens Raf. Dwarf Red Blackberry (TAS) Rosa acicularis Lindl. sayi (Schwein.) W. H. Lewis. Say's Acicular Rose (TAS) Rubiaceae Galium boreale L. Bedstraw (TAS) Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Michx. Quaking Aspen (Obs) Saxifragaceae Heuchera hallii A. Gray. Front Range Alumroot (Obs) Alliaceae Allium cernuum Roth. Nodding Onion (TAS) Liliaceae Prosartes trachycarpa S. Watson. Roughfruit Fairybells (Obs) Melanthiaceae Anticlea elegans (Pursh) Rydb. Mountain Death Camas (TAS) Poaceae Bromeae Bromus richardsonii Link. Richardson's Brome (TAS) Cynodonteae Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths. Blue Grama (Obs) Danthonieae Danthonia spicata (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. Poverty Oatgrass (TAS) Meliceae Schizachne purpurescens Hackel. False Melicgrass (TAS) Stipeae Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. White-Grain Mountain Rice-Grass (TAS) Triticeae Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners. Slender Wheatgrass (TAS)
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M, Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:24 AM, 2/4/2025. |