Eastern Mojave Vegetation The Cross on Kessler Springs Road -- Covered this time.  


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  The Cross on Kessler Springs Road -- Covered this time.
Photograph taken April 21, 2004.

When I passed by the cross on April 21, 2004, it was covered by the cardboard box, as shown. Someone has scrawled markings that look faintly religious on the box. Despite news reports that the cross is covered by a heavy tarp, it has been several years since I have seen the tarp.

I passed by the cross again on Sunday, May 22, 2004. This time there was no covering for the cross.

Meanwhile, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, released a ruling on June 8, 2004, that the cross violated the Establishment clause.

In the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2004, Rep. Jerry Lewis (R- San Bernardino) was able to insert a clause requiring the Department of Interior to transfer the property to private owners. The court, however, said that the transfer may take several years, and therefore the case is not moot.

All this caused by a single retired Park Service employee, who in fact claims to be religious.

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