Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 1815, Poa fendleriana  


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  Poaceae Poa fendleriana
Photographed 7 August 2018.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey.  Muttongrass.

North Table Mountain Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lower north slopes of North Table Mountain, on the nose of a small ridge in the corner of the North Table Loop, 4.49 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden 39.7952°N, 105.2107°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1849 m. Collected with Phlox multiflora and Carex inops var. heliophila.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2018, issued: Mar 1, 2018, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 1815. 10-May-2018

Coll. No. 1815, 10 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial grass, to 50 cm., clumped, not rhizomatous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, mostly basal, blade and sheath differentiated; (Cauline) Sheath, 55 mm., open at least ½, minutely scabrous; Ligule, membraneous, 1 mm.; Auricles, 0; (Cauline) Blade, 15-25 mm., rolled, margins minutely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, contracted panicle, 85 mm. × 15 mm. wide, spikelets many; Rachis, not extended beyond the upper spikelet; Spikelets, many, similar, borne singly, stalked, narrowly rounded at base, 2-many flowered, 6.5 mm. × 3 mm. wide; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, unknown; Glumes, lower 3 mm., upper 3.5 mm., keeled, membraneous, awns 0; Florets, 5 per spikelet, bisexual; Rachilla, glabrous, extended beyond upper floret; Lemma, 3 mm., ovate, membraneous, keeled, sparsely villous on proximal keel and margin, veins, ≥3(5), tip entire, obtuse, awns, 0; Palea, 2.9 mm., <lemma, membraneous, keel ciliate; Anthers, 1.5-1.7 mm.; Ovary, glabrous; Stigma, feathery.

Becomes lost in keys requiring that all florets be pistillate, e.g., Shaw (2008) and Ackerfield (2015). Keys easily to Poa fendleriana in keys that do not mention that florets are unisexual or that plant is dioecious, e.g., Hitchcock (2ed, Chase, 1950), Harrington (2ed, 1964), Welsh, et al. (1993), Baldwin (2012), and Weber & Wittman (2012).

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