Eastern Mojave Vegetation Notes to accompany the Checklist Flora of the Mono Lake basin.  

Tom Schweich  

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Identification Key for Mentzelia Section Trachyphytum in Mono County, California

Brokaw, Joshua M., and Larry Hufford. 2011. A new species of Mentzelia (Loasaceae) from Mono County, California. Madroño. 58(1):57-63.

1. Seeds in one row above mid-fruit, all trigonal prisms with grooves along longitudinal edges ... M. dispersa
1' Seeds in more than one row above mid-fruit; seeds above mid-fruit irregular-rounded to -angular, seeds below mid-fruit occasionally trigonal prisms with grooves along longitudinal edges
2. Floral bracts usually entire, green only
3. Petals greater than or equal to 8 mm ... M. nitens
3' Petals less than 8 mm
4. Longest mature fruits usually greater than 15 mm, curved less than 180°; seeds tan and moderate- to dense-mottled brown to black in age; seed coat cells pointed or domed, in age greater than 1/2 tall as wide on seed surface edges; below 2000 m ... M. albicaulis (in part)
4' Longest mature fruits less than 15 mm, curved less than 20°; seeds tan, not or sparse-mottled in age; seed coat cells flat-surfaced to domed, in age less than 1/2 tall as wide on seed surface edges; 2000–2500 m. ... M. monoensis (in part)
2' Floral bracts toothed to lobed or floral bracts entire with white base and green margin
5. Floral bracts conspicuous, concealing fruits, mostly white with green fringe ... M. congesta
5' Floral bracts not conspicuous, not concealing fruits, entirely green or mostly green with white below middle only
6. Petals with orange to yellow apex and red to orange base; styles greater than or equal to 3.5 mm; longest mature fruits usually greater than 15 mm. ... M. veatchiana
6' Petals with yellow apex and orange base; styles less than 3.5 mm; longest mature fruits usually greater than 10 mm
7. Floral bracts 3-lobed to entire; longest mature fruits usually greater than 15 mm, usually curved less than 180°; below 2000 m. ... M. albicaulis (in part)
7' Floral bracts 7-lobed to entire; longest mature fruits usually less than 15 mm, curved less than 45°; above 2000 m
8. Floral bracts 7-lobed to entire, white base usually conspicuous; seeds tan and moderate- to dense-mottled brown to black in age; seed coat cells pointed, in age some greater than 1/2 tall as wide on seed surface edges; above 2000 m. ... M. montana
8' Floral bracts entire, white base inconspicuous; seeds tan, not or sparse-mottled in age; seed coat cells flat-surfaced to domed, in age less than 1/2 tall as wide on seed surface edges; 2000–2500 m. ... M. monoensis (in part)









My “In-Progress” schema for describing Asteraceae is at: http://www.schweich.com//PDF/Schema_Asteraceae.pdf.



Grass Schema

My “In-Progress” schema for describing grasses (Poaceae) is at: http://www.schweich.com//PDF/Schema_Grass.pdf.
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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/4/2025 11:55:43 AM