Eastern Mojave Vegetation Notes to accompany the Checklist Flora of the Mono Lake basin. (Continued)  

Tom Schweich  

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 Here I put stuff I would have forgotten, had I not put it here.



Other articles:
• Mono Lake Basin Flora:  Introduction;  


  See UCR 50354.
  Philip A. Munz Collection #11795, May 16, 1947, north base of Mono Craters.
  • Lupinus duranii (PAM117950)
    • NY748027 (L. tegeticulatus var. d.)
    • RSA38640
  • Lupinus breweri var. grandiflorus (PAM117951)
    • RSA407101
    • SD43476



July 15th

  Return to end of 1S09, west side of Mono Craters, and see if Cryptantha confertifolia can be collected with nutlets, compare to TAS #753.

Other articles:
• Goat Ranch Cutoff:   at Hector Stn;
• Field Notes:   19 Jun 2011, Coll. No. 765.;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 765, Distichlis spicata  

The dimorphic grass(?) at Hector Station turned out to be Distichlis spicata. The dimorphism represents male and female stems.
  Try to re-locate Cymopteris in median of Horseshoe Canyon moraine to look for seeds. Need them to finish keying Coll. No. 775.



July 22nd


Other articles:
• Unnamed Road to Mine:   below mill site;
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 783, 22 Jun 2011;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 783, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi
Full Size ImageColl. No. 783, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi  

Check the Astragalus whitneyi (?) on the road to Copper Mountain for seed pods.

Other articles:
• Cottonwood Canyon Road:   at miners cabin;
Full Size ImageColl. No. 690.1, Epilobium ciliatum
Full Size ImageColl. No. 841, Epilobium sp.  

Check this Epilobium in Cottonwood Canyon.



August 1st

  • East face of Copper Mountain, small limestone canyon, look for flowers on Galium
  • Punch Bowl, between rhyolite plugs, look for flowers on Chamaebatiaria millefolium.



August 15th

  • Check Sagehen Meadow for Collomia linearis.





  Look for Arnica sororia inside the Mono Lake basin, possibly in the meadow in middle Dry Ck, or Big Sand Flat.
  No Spartina in Mono Lake basin?
  Stellaria longipes
  Check CAS collections of Mimulus bigelovii var. bigelovii. Winkler (1977) lists it, but Taylor (2010) does not, and CoCH has no collections.




  CHSC34460, Symphoricarpos longiflorus A. Gray. Fragrant Snowberry. June Lake, shrub 3 ft tall, flowers pink 6 miles west of Hwy 395 on south end of June Lake Loop in Sierra Nevada at stream woodland. A. Brenholt 7/3/1967 ( CHSC34460 ) -- Check ID
  CHSC3655, Erigeron philadelphicus, Robert D. Briggs, 04 02 1966, R-96, Mono, Lee Vining -- Check ID.
  DS, Dudley Herbarium of Stanford University, at California Academy of Sciences.
  DS216224, Brickellia californica, Elmer I. Applegate, 6869, Nov. 4, 1931. Lundy Lake, west of Mono Lake. Desert foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Or, is this Ageratina occidentalis?




  Compare the two collections of Alice Ottley #1093, one (UC1554396) is an undetermined Epilobium, the other (JEPS27575) Gayophytum diffusum parviflorum.
  JEPS 67989, Shockley #437 has a handwritten label stating location as "Walker Lake, Calif." It is also annotated as cited in Jepson's Flora of California. Taylor (2101) refers to this voucher. This collection is at JEPS, but not (3/1/2012) listed in CoCH. Crossed out is the printed location of Esmeralda County, Nevada. Walker Lake in Mono County is very fresh. Walker Lake in what would have then been Esmeralda County is saline. I think it might be worthwhile to figure out where Shockley was in June, 1885. He may have traveled past Walker Lake if he was traveling over Mono Pass and down Bloody Canyon. But there are no other Shockley collections from 1885 in any California herbaria.
  JEPS91090, Phacelia . Mono Mills, loose sandy tephra derived soils in Purshia tridentata-Artemisia tridentata scrub 3 miles northeast of Mono Mills in the vicinity of watertank shown on Cowtrack Mtn 15' USGS quadrangle Dean Wm. Taylor 15225. 7/18/1995. -- Check ID




  POM122255 Determination Astragalus monoensis var. monoensis More information: Jepson Online Interchange Collector, number, date Marcus E. Jones, s.n., May 14 1926 County San Bernardino Locality Mojave Desert; East Mojave Desert region Cove Spring, Old Dad Mt., Granite Mountains.
  Check SD73130, a collection determined as Tetradymia comosa A. Gray. Hairy Horsebrush. In the Mono Lake basin, 4 miles east of Highway 395, on Highway 167, north of Mono Lake Darley F. Howe 8/3/1969 ( SD73130 ) .




  Carl W. Sharsmith 8715. 7/5/1982 ( SJSU9736 ): Can it be determined as var. redowski?
  For Carl W. Sharsmith 5666. 8/26/1948 ( SJSU13213 ), is it Salix exigua var. exigua? Or var. hindsiana?






Upper Mono Lake basin, Camp 121 west of Mono Lake Wm. H. Brewer 1826. 7/9/1863 , which variety?


UC 148745

Miss Maud Minthorn 7/15/1908 ( UC148745 ): Can this be determined as var. redowski?


UC 511303

Lyman Benson #3808, determined as Potentilla gracilis Hook. Slender Cinquefoil. Can it be determined as to variety. Mono Lake, upper Sonoran, granite soil, meadow.


UC 532142

Juniperus communis L. Common Juniper. Lee Vining Canyon, Southeast slope of Lee Vining Canyon, 2.5 miles east of Camp Tioga, growing over rocks. Jens Clausen 807. 8/23/1933 ( UC532142 ).

This is the only collection of J. communis in the lower part of the Mono Lake basin. It has been annotated as J. c. var. montana. However, that taxon is treated as a synonym of var. saxatilis in California. Can it be keyed as saxatilis? Collections that have been determined to variety from the upper Mono Lake basin, are determined as var. saxatilis.


UC 569647

Joseph and Hilda W. Grinnell 1066.1 6/17/1937 ( UC569647 ) is listed as Caulanthus sierrae ined. However, there is no folder for that taxon at UC. I checked 3/1/2012. Which folder is it in? Is there a prior determination for this collection? Is it Caulanthus pilosus?

  J. covilleii, which has been collected once in Mono County, in Slate Creek Valley (J. Clausen, 1839, Sep 14 1940, UC1154006). There are two other collections from the high Yosemite.

UC 1377838

Collection determined Potentilla gracilis, Ellery Lake, in lush grass north edge of Lake Elleryt near Leevining Creek Road W. J. Dress and J. E. Cruise 4538. 7/20/1954, which variety?


UC 1554396

Compare the two collections of Alice Ottley #1093, one (UC1554396) is an undetermined Epilobium, the other (JEPS27575) Gayophytum diffusum parviflorum.

Literature Cited:
- Howell, John Thomas, 1943.

Other articles:
• Field Notes:  Coll. No. 793;
• Notes:  Phacelia humilis humilis;  

UC 1980457

This collection is determined Phacelia humilis var. humilis, but now I'm not sure that it isn't P. h. var. dudleyi.

  • Review Eriastrum with David Gowen.
  Comments from David Gowen, 11-Nov-07:

The Eriogonum eastwoodianum has to be a mis-ID, and I just posted a comment to SBBG to let them know that. The plant is rare and consists of only a couple of populations near the Parkfield Grade in Fresno/Monterey Co.

The Eriastrum filifolium is likewise mis-IDed. Some are E. wilcoxii, and some I will be annotating with a new name if the paper I submitted getspublished. Eriastrum filifolium is a southern California plant.

None of the plants on your list are actually E. sparsiflorum (there have only been a couple of collections made). The closest site to the Mono Lake basin area that I'm aware of is Benton. It's possible it will show up somewhere, so keep your eye out. Besides Benton, it's also just south of Bishop. So far, I've only seen it in granitic sand in sage brush type habitats.




  • Arenaria paludicola Rob. marsh sandwort. Mono Lake basin, ¿Typically a coastal species? Winkler, David W., 1977 . . Assessment: 2009, Years since collection: 32 Number of collections: 1 Sole collection in Mono Lake basin by DWT, deposited at UCD.





  • Is the G. K. Hemlkamp 2340 9/10/1997 at Pilot Spring really Sanicula graveolens?
  Presumably UCR 15413 is Horkelia fusca var. parviflora?
  Is Ralph K. Gierisch 5018 really Frasera albomarginata? I suspect it is F. paniculata. Also ASC 53098.
  ( UCR108913 ) . Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m on upper Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5458. 8/5/1997, which variety?

UCSB -- University of California at Santa Barbara

  • Lupinus inyoensis, Eric Wylde 48. 5/31/1986




  West of Robbers Roost (Col: 38.2101°N, 110.1847°W) Sand. L. A. Stoddart 246. (UTC 215075). The nearest GNIS location to the given coordinates is Robbers Roost Flats, which are about 12 miles to the northwest. How can this collection be west of Robbers Roost?




Literature Cited

  A list of all literature cited by this web site can be found in the Bibliography.
  Argus, George W. 1997. Infrageneric Classification of Salix (Salicaceae) in the New World. Systematic Botany Monographs. 52: 1-121.
  Argus, George W. 2007. Salix (Salicaceae) Distribution Maps and a Synopsis of Their Classification in North America, North of Mexico. Harvard Papers in Botany. 12(2):355-368.
  Argus, George W. 2009. Salix (Willows) in the New World: A Guide to the Interactive Identification of Native and Naturalized Taxa Using Intkey (Delta)., accessed 5/25/2013, now requires a password.
  Baldwin, Bruce G., Douglas H. Goldman, David J. Keil, Robert Patterson, and Thomas J. Rosatti. 2012. The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, January 2012. {TAS}
  Barker, W.R., G.L. Nesom, P.M. Beardsley, and N.S. Fraga. 2012. A taxonomic conspectus of Phrymaceae: A narrowed circumscriptions for Mimulus, new and resurrected genera, and new names and combinations. Phytoneuron. 2012(39):1-60. {TAS-pdf}
  Barneby, Rupert C. 1944. Pugillus Astragalorum III. Leaflets of Western Botany. 4(4):49-62. San Francisco, California: California Academy of Sciences, November 30, 1944. {TAS-pdf}
  Beardsley, Paul M., and Richard G. Olmstead. 2002. Redefining Phrymaceae: the placement of Mimulus, tribe Mimuleae, and Phryma. American Journal of Botany. 89(7):1093-1102. {TAS-pdf}
  Beardsley,Paul M., Steve E. Schoenig, Justen B. Whittall, and Richard G. Olmstead. 2004. Patterns of evolution in western North American Mimulus (Phrymaceae). American Journal of Botany. 91(3):474-489. {TAS-pdf}
  Bentham, Georgius. 1839-1857. Plantas Hartwegianas imprimis Mexicanas. London: Horticultural Society of London, 1839-1857.
  Bentham, George, and John Dalton Hooker. 1873. Genera Plantarum. 3 vols..
  Cheng, S. 2004. Forest Service research natural areas in California. General Technical Paper PSW-GTR-188. Albany, CA: USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
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  Clausen, Jens, D. D. Keck, and Wm. M. Heisey. 1940. Penstemon: A study in Cytotaxonomy and transplanting. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication. 520: 260-296.
  Clausen, Jens, D. D. Keck, and Wm. M. Heisey. 1940. The Genus Artemisia. Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication. 520: 325-350.
  Eastwood, Alice E. 1940. The Lupinus breweri Aggregate. Leaflets of Western Botany. 2(14):249-253.
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  Greene, Edward Lee. 1906. New Western Plants. Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism. 1: 221.
  Greene, Edward L. 1910. Studies of Thalictraceae -- II. Leaflets of Botanical Observation and Criticism. II: 89-93.
  Griffin, J. R., and W. B. Critchfield. 1972. The distribution of forest treet in California. Research Paper PSW-82.. Berkeley, CA: USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
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  Hickman, James C. (Ed.). 1993. The Jepson manual: higher plants of California. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press..
  Hooker, Sir William Jackson. 1829-1840. Flora Boreali-Americana; or the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America. Link to external document. Published at various dates from September 1829 to July 1840. The following dates of publication of the parts as issued are given by B.D. Jackson in Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, v.1, p. 298 (1893) : v.1, pt. 1, p. 1-48, 1829; pts. 2 and 3, p. 49-144, 1830; pts. 4-6 concluding v.1, 1834; v.2, pt. 7, p. 1-48, 1834; pt. 8, p. 49-96, 1838; pt. 9, p. 97-144, 1838; pt. 10, p. 145-192 [1838]; pt. 11, p. 193-241, 1839; pt. 12, p. 241-end. 1840.
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  Torrey, John, and Asa Gray. 1857a. Botanical Report. Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Route near the Thirty-Fifth Parallel, Explored by Lieutenant A. W. Whipple, Topographical Engineers, in 1853 and 1854.. 2: 1-158. Link to external document. Generally known as the “Pacific Railway Reports.”
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Date and time this article was prepared: 9/22/2024 4:46:51 PM